mjbyrnex - Mel


New member
Mar 9, 2024
I used to like watching her and found her honest videos really refreshing but her re-enactments of her mum make me uncomfortable? Almost like she’s loving the attention/questions she gets about her trauma and going no contact. Don’t get me wrong I’m fully aware she’s been through a lot and going no contact can’t be easy so she’s probably dealing with it as best she can be but I think it’s just a bit unsettling and may bite her on the arse in the future? Also anyone who comments on her videos with the slightest criticism or questions some of the content gets made out to be a nonce family member 😬


New member
Mar 22, 2024
I used to watch her too, at first I found her stories both alarming and interesting and thought she’s done well moving on and dealing with her trauma, however, I can’t watch her anymore, she’s just so repetitive and I get the feeling she actually enjoys holding court with her stories, it’s a bit f*cked up in my opinion. Don’t like the way she talks about her private life with her husband either.


New member
Mar 9, 2024
I used to watch her too, at first I found her stories both alarming and interesting and thought she’s done well moving on and dealing with her trauma, however, I can’t watch her anymore, she’s just so repetitive and I get the feeling she actually enjoys holding court with her stories, it’s a bit f*cked up in my opinion. Don’t like the way she talks about her private life with her husband either.
You worded that so well, that’s exactly how I feel! Really repetitive and the way she always replies to comments with a readily available skit or story relating to the comment? Yeah it’s fed and she should probably keep it private I don’t think it will be good for her in the long run (mentally not in a threatening way haha) x

B belly

Mar 2, 2024
I found it uncomfortable when she said she couldn't get enough sex and they'd just finished.....or something along those lines before they went out. Just bizarre. It's like she thrives off talking about it. She's quite patronising in replies to people also. I don't think she should talk about the step children either, or post photos of them. Especially with what her account is related to. I personally wouldn't be happy


New member
Mar 9, 2024
I found it uncomfortable when she said she couldn't get enough sex and they'd just finished.....or something along those lines before they went out. Just bizarre. It's like she thrives off talking about it. She's quite patronising in replies to people also. I don't think she should talk about the step children either, or post photos of them. Especially with what her account is related to. I personally wouldn't be happy
I found it uncomfortable when she said she couldn't get enough sex and they'd just finished.....or something along those lines before they went out. Just bizarre. It's like she thrives off talking about it. She's quite patronising in replies to people also. I don't think she should talk about the step children either, or post photos of them. Especially with what her account is related to. I personally wouldn't be happy
yeah the sex talk is so strange considering her content! And yeah I’d be fuming if I was the kids mum having my kids associated with the content but hey ho!


Feb 4, 2024
i’ve been following her for a while and have wanted to avoid commenting on her as some of her videos are helpful and relatable but i honestly feel like she gets off on the attention of being a trauma victim etc. How narcissistic can she be asking people not to trauma dump on her when her entire account is her trauma dumping to the internet. “just maybe dial it down a little bit” she says after going into great detail about how her brother SA’d her. She’s live right now and people are commenting about the video asking why she said that and she just keeps ignoring the comments. You can’t claim to be a “safe space” when you’re actively silencing victims because you deem yourself more important.


Mar 8, 2024
I stumbled across her account few weeks ago. Interesting and sad. But also feels like a strange undertone. Agree that she appears to get off on it all. I don’t understand how someone could speak all
Day and night about the abuse the suffered, day in and day out, without causing further harm and trauma to themselves. It’s not healthy to talk about it constantly. She doesn’t seem to share any other content and sits on live all day and night. Can’t be good for married life either surely!?
Mar 17, 2024
She got mobbed on a lunchtime live the other week, loads of ppl sharing their trauma, Mel hated it and desperately kept trying to bring it back to her trauma story. At t-time on the same day she normally does another live but following those pesky followers trauma dumping on her earlier live, she made an actual video of cooking tea so her followers couldn't trauma dump on another live. She does not give a flying fcuk about anyone else's trauma, she wants all eyes focusing on her. Luckily for her she's getting that fat you cannot miss her all 16+ stone of her!


New member
May 21, 2024
somebody named her brothers on her live, but I genuinely got the impression that they were just trying to get across just how easily this information is available, with how much she shares. If she didn’t share any personal information, it wouldn’t have happened.


New member
May 21, 2024
Also the photos she posted of her mum on TikTok is way, way worse than all of the other photos of her mum on Facebook. She has a very friendly looking face. (I appreciate that this doesn’t make her any less of an abuser).