Sabby says we aren't the full shilling!!!! That's Rich coming from her !
.. Sabby answer me this U where the first person 2 bring up incest so was it happening in Ur house did daddy like U abit 2 much .. U like 2 say all of that 2 people so do U like it tut awk have we hit a wee nerve!
tell the truth U get the hate that U get because of Ur attention seeking,lies name calling, begging ways u start everything we back ourselves up then U do a video making out that we fired shots first ..but ur the most hated nut job on TT these days Ur knowing for all the wrong reasons an Ur so stupid that U don't even realise that most people that write 2 U acting nice!
And see the ones in Ur comments I'm embarrassed for them that they all let U speak down 2 them the way U do more fool them .. an see the ones that r letting on that they r messaging us an giving us a piece of their mine weenie81
U talk the biggest load of s!! Show Sabby these messages then? Ur the biggest arse licker I've ever came across in my life!!!!
Hands up who all got a message from weenie81