Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan


Oct 14, 2024
Aww here I wish I could walk as fast as some people who claim they can’t walk on their own 😳 full speed
I have damage to my back, fibromyalgia and have been urgently referred to rheumatology who I see on the 22nd of this month and some days I can't get out of bed and don't complain as much as her, honestly i think she sees things, googled symptoms and tries to find a doc stupid enough to diagnose her.. boils my piss 😤


May 19, 2024
Dont forget 2 magazines for Jamie & the figment of her imagination, I have no idea how much magazines are now but I bet they were at least a fiver each, its well seeing she doesnt actually work for her money

Cheap white bread and salty pretzels are poison to birds
Cheap biscuits and lettuce and NO good to rabbits
67 billion cat treats every week, no good for cats
fridge raiders no good for a dog

Of course her diet is chocolate, biscuits, sweeties, cakes, crisps and coke, oh and a chicken that looks straight out of Chernobyl :oops:
and she has the cheek to wonder why she is always riddled with every bug going!

Chernobyl chicken just sent me into a fit of laughter 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Oct 7, 2024
We alllll saw it, the weird scraggy legged burnt offering she took up to the mum and her friend :oops:
she had another one that looked exactly the same in her recent haul. you can tell its the cheapest of cheap

I see she has the begging bowl out AGAIN for tat for her mother
she can spend hundreds on toys for her dollies and an invisible child, but wants others to buy crap for her mother

As if tax payers dont do enough for her already. I laughed at the sad saps sticking up for her "you worked for 10 years you are entitled" Clearly they have ZERO idea how much she paid in over 10 years Vs how much she receives over 13 years and counting. Benefits are there for people who need help, not lying lazy skanks like her. So many worthy people are going without because of people like her
Oct 30, 2024
We alllll saw it, the weird scraggy legged burnt offering she took up to the mum and her friend :oops:
she had another one that looked exactly the same in her recent haul. you can tell its the cheapest of cheap

I see she has the begging bowl out AGAIN for tat for her mother
she can spend hundreds on toys for her dollies and an invisible child, but wants others to buy crap for her mother

As if tax payers dont do enough for her already. I laughed at the sad saps sticking up for her "you worked for 10 years you are entitled" Clearly they have ZERO idea how much she paid in over 10 years Vs how much she receives over 13 years and counting. Benefits are there for people who need help, not lying lazy skanks like her. So many worthy people are going without because of people like her
People telling her she worked 10 years and is entitled, has just gave her another thing to say. Sure a video last night she said ‘I worked for 10 years and did I say anything about people on benefits, naw’

And that reply video she did to the person saying about the kids playing with toys, Sabrina I think they were actually being sarcastic.


May 26, 2024
Northern ireland
The wishlist says to me.

Poor foresight or money management. Spent too much at Christmas and not enough benefits payments before birthday to buy things herself (those two magazines could've waited til next month, it is only a couple of weeks since christmas). It'll be why the switch from private to public was made no doubt. Pave the way with a few sympathy videos then boom, emotional blackmail and manipulation for a poor vulnerable crater lying in hospital. My mother would be mortified.

From what I've seen in the videos Sabrina puts up her mum is a very sentimental person. She would probably appreciate something that shows Sabrina has been thinking about her, as in one of her books or a resin plaque to commemorate her sons and show love from her daughter. Something meaningless from a stranger she will never know on tictok? People do mean well but but what the actual.....


Oct 30, 2024
I always said people were humouring Sabby on TikTok but now I’m convinced, she’s an absolute train wreck and if you are out there encouraging her then you “need to give your head a wobble” as she would say. There’s nobody could honestly say they agree with how she’s behaving. She’s back cutting again (according to her) and it’s because she thinks you all sympathise with her. Accusations of constant bullying etc and yet it’s her, but she’s only biting back (according to her)
Her poor neighbours, and those she accuses.
Yes if your putting your life on tik tok you’ll get abuse, it goes with the territory, but blaming innocent people is just wrong.
Any Sabby sympathisers in here, think long and hard about what you’re doing.
Oct 7, 2024
She is giving up the justifying comments :rolleyes:

Only because she knows everyone is correct and there is NO justification
she is a vile old scrote that shouldnt be allowed to keep pets, or be near children.
If these "lovely lovely" people are real that are sending "lovely lovely" comments, they are as bad, protecting it


May 6, 2024
The mum is just turning 70!! Wtf...she has had a hard life. The wishlist 🙄 who are the toys and books for? Get off your fat fing hole and get a job because I'm exhausted paying for people like you Sabrina. Worked 10 years?? Big fing WOW. Try 32 years and counting. It's the entitlement of this woman, she thinks the world owes her, well big surprise the world owes you do all. I lost a child, I go to work everyday, it's life, its hard and it happens but to live in the past must be mentally draining. Go seek help because it is out there, get a job and friends and enjoy what you have left. People are fighting to live everyday and here she is lying about with the poor me victim mentality? do away off, your played out now love. No one cares, fill your own cup and move on. Rant over.


Oct 14, 2024
The mum is just turning 70!! Wtf...she has had a hard life. The wishlist 🙄 who are the toys and books for? Get off your fat fing hole and get a job because I'm exhausted paying for people like you Sabrina. Worked 10 years?? Big fing WOW. Try 32 years and counting. It's the entitlement of this woman, she thinks the world owes her, well big surprise the world owes you do all. I lost a child, I go to work everyday, it's life, its hard and it happens but to live in the past must be mentally draining. Go seek help because it is out there, get a job and friends and enjoy what you have left. People are fighting to live everyday and here she is lying about with the poor me victim mentality? do away off, your played out now love. No one cares, fill your own cup and move on. Rant over.
I lost my fist boy and went back to work wrecked mental health and all, Got pregnant with my rainbow baby and lost my dad the year my boy was born and that was the point my doctor signed me off, then my rainbow was diagnosed with autism and adhd and requires round the clock care, had a job lined up due to start on the Wednesday and my mum passed the Friday before, I'd give anything for my mental and physical health which has been massively impacted because of my mental health would allow me to work, but she is well able to work but as you say the entitlement of her! I hate having to claim benefits like it makes me feel like a full failure and here she is thinking it's a flex 😒
Oct 30, 2024
Sabrina stop looking at other peoples wanes you creep, I’m sure the man you let on got you pregnant and his partner wouldn’t want you creaming yourself over a pic of THEIR CHILD.

And do you realise this magical angel from earth has downloaded an ai app. Your imaginary children are ai images. Calm your tits. And the way you’re creaming yourself even about ai children is beyond weird. Aw just aw!!

That’s 2 very disturbing videos from you today. Hope you seen to wee Benji when you eventually got out of your bed.


Oct 7, 2024
country Tyrone
Sabrina you are actually sick in the head. Ai images for your dead child. I don’t even know what the second one is. Plucked out of thin air as you were never pregnant !! You were so desperate to talk about two children you made one up. Was Jamie not good enough anymore had to add another one in. And then paying someone to make up photos using other children. Not much of a leap from that to child porn is it?
Btw when you sat on your live the other night talking the biggest amount of s I’ve ever heard. You might want to let the people you mentioned in on the lie. I had a lovely conversation with someone who doesn’t speak to you anymore. Let’s just say she was very forth coming in statement about you. The things you have said and done in regards to your family dear oh dear. And this person did confirm no test pics were ever sent and no “pregnancy “ ever existed .
You also mentioned mummy’s lovely nurses. Yes my cousin philomena is very lovely and has long conversations with mummy dearest. She knows a lot about you Sabrina.
Oct 7, 2024
I wanted to laugh at your last comment LemonGlow but I cant. We all know she isnt allowed near children and displays a LOT of grooming behaviour so to have these photos on her phone is very distasteful, at best. I hope they are AI generated. Imagine this wingnut having your children in her phone (and no doubt ready to be made into canvases for the wall)