Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

May 6, 2024
She was whinging not long ago that Jack had borrowed money off her and not paid her back. Def using her. Him and his boyfriend took 2 kittens and sent one back, then it was given away again !
she made such a big deal about how that wee cat didn’t settle with him and I have to say the wee thing did look very happy being with Sabrina when she got him back (lord knows why ), and then the cruel f got rid of him! She’s a joke, didn’t even mention she got rid of it. She feeds every other cat in the street so why couldn’t she have kept that wee one
Jun 8, 2023
One of the times her cat had kittens one of them died, then a 2nd one, I am positive it was down to her traumatising the poor wee thing, she kept taking it from the mother and "HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" in its poor wee face. She would even say "you dont want me to lift you do you"?? and still did it:mad:
She buried them in the field outside her back yard, sorry Yeeeeaaarddddddd

I didnt know it was Jack that returned the cat