Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

May 5, 2024
Northern ireland
I had to turn of off she’s horrendous. She giving it the whole lying sob story on live poor me bullied and tortured for years. She also said she had screen shots of on here to show the police but they left. Screenshots she took herself.
She said before I self harmed she called 101 and was left on hold for 10 minutes so she decided to hang up and call 999 as the cuts were so bad. So she literally made a phone call and cut herself while on hold. Really? The ambulance came out and called the police but once she was going out to the ambulance the police left. God forbid they had actual crimes to see to. They didn’t even take a statement. She says if someone boots in her door and comes for her the police will have blood on their hands. Tells a viewer I’ve had direct threats to my home and my days are numbered. Then next breath laughs at something. fing but job.
May 6, 2024
I had to turn of off she’s horrendous. She giving it the whole lying sob story on live poor me bullied and tortured for years. She also said she had screen shots of on here to show the police but they left. Screenshots she took herself.
She said before I self harmed she called 101 and was left on hold for 10 minutes so she decided to hang up and call 999 as the cuts were so bad. So she literally made a phone call and cut herself while on hold. Really? The ambulance came out and called the police but once she was going out to the ambulance the police left. God forbid they had actual crimes to see to. They didn’t even take a statement. She says if someone boots in her door and comes for her the police will have blood on their hands. Tells a viewer I’ve had direct threats to my home and my days are numbered. Then next breath laughs at something. fing but job.
Her behaviour is vile. She needs to grow the do up.

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
Her behaviour is vile. She needs to grow the do up.
Shes lying as the police were out first 😳 and why would the ambulance ring the police for self harm it’s not needed even for suicidal behaviour the police would call an ambulance not the other way round the police leave quick because they don’t want to have to sit in a and e with her
May 7, 2024
I get the impression the PSNI thought no crime here, not our job maybe it’s the NIAS that should be here so NIAS back up requested by PSNI

NIAS come take her away

Must have told her it wasn’t a wait and return taxi so to sort out a way home.

Reason why she got straight back home is someone came to A&E and agreed to ‘watch her’ so the hospital sent her straight home at triage stage.


Jun 15, 2024
Here I am
Sait? 😂😂 The least U can do is make sure U talk sense before coming for anyone else .. no love actually they haven't cos pple on here know about predicted txt and aren't as judge mental as U ... I get u now Ur not on here 2 defend Sabrina Ur on here for an argument cos Ur fella prob EFT U cos Ur the type 2 have the last word an he left Ur ass for someone better 😂😂🖕🏼 write 2 urself on here cos just like everyone else on here I'm blocking u cos a mother that defends a grown ass bully that picks on a 12 year old child an makes excuses for her I want do all 2 do with U bye b 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼 U absolute dickhead get Ur tongue out of Sabrinas fat hole!
My fella probably EFT ME, sorry what? What's that? Sounds fun!
Ok hold on, I think I can speak UR language - get 1 UF DEM FULLSTOPS COZ WhEn U DoNt UUSE DeM IT Is ANNOYING AF And IT LuKs LiKe A ToDDleR WroTe it.
You sound very angry.
May 6, 2024
Shes lying as the police were out first 😳 and why would the ambulance ring the police for self harm it’s not needed even for suicidal behaviour the police would call an ambulance not the other way round the police leave quick because they don’t want to have to sit in a and e with her
I don’t believe a word that comes from her mouth anymore she’s a disgrace


Jun 11, 2024
You ignored me when I posted evidence hun. Facts are fun.
If Sabrina was that mentally unwell she would be sectioned and deemed a risk to herself and others. She is clearly competent enough to refuse help from mental health services after being assessed - she is her own worst enemy.

She could have taken herself to the hospital to out of hours she doesn’t live far from it if she was in need of medical assistance.

Without going into detail a person close to me had stroke like symptoms, didn’t drive lived out in the country side and phoned an ambulance. That person waited over an hour for an ambulance to arrive. It was the middle of the night yet. Sabrina doesn’t know what it’s like to be absolutely shafted by tax and where that money goes.

Let’s hope to god they bring in charges for ambulance services. It will soon weed out those that don’t need it.. but of course I’m sure once again the tax payer will end up paying the price and there will be a discount to those on benefits like Sabrina.


Jun 15, 2024
Here I am
WOW nothing!

Having been at the bedside of an ill relative I can testify that all the focus of the staff in A&E that night were on the people acting the absolute clampit and not on those in genuine pain and in need of medical intervention!

Hence my comment unless it’s life threatening segregate them out until they sober up.

When you have sat in the RVH casualty with a relative in extreme pain of what turned out to be a broken hip you will understand!

To have that person sat in a corridor in pain whilst Vodka Kate & Whisky Robert are moved into two cubicles to make it less ‘unpleasant’ for all the others sitting ‘politely’ waiting their turn. For same individuals to constantly leave their comfy little cubicles and light up cigarettes in the main waiting area or swill more drink was disgusting!

Staff in the middle of finally seeing a patient and doing obs & checks smoke alarms going of meaning they have to leave because Rosie Rum that was sleeping in one of those cubicles for hours has finally woke up and decided to have a fag in that same cubicle!
Now a nurse who should be giving pain relief or care is trying to prevent A&E having a fire evacuation!
How would you know a person off their tits on drink is not in pain? Are you aware of the amount of alcoholics who die in A&E's because staff presumed it was their drunken state but it turmed out to be life threatening and they died?
Have you empathy for anyone other than your own?


Jun 15, 2024
Here I am
I must have missed that one 😂 I didn’t see no facts and you come out with the same stuff have u not got it yet we don’t care what you say 😂😂😂
Another who is allergic to the fullstop 🙄
Go check out Jamieloganryan's post from today about not resting till you all get her off tiktok. She is not lying about that, it is there in black and white for all to see. Well, except you!


Jun 11, 2024
How would you know a person off their tits on drink is not in pain? Are you aware of the amount of alcoholics who die in A&E's because staff presumed it was their drunken state but it turmed out to be life threatening and they died?
Have you empathy for anyone other than your own?
How many? What are the stats on that?

Genuinely interested to know.

I wonder if those same alcoholics are in A&E every other day same story day in day out - just happens to be when they actually need the NHS they do not get the care they need as they’ve abused the service for so long and cried wolf.
Jun 15, 2024
How would you know a person off their tits on drink is not in pain? Are you aware of the amount of alcoholics who die in A&E's because staff presumed it was their drunken state but it turmed out to be life threatening and they died?
Have you empathy for anyone other than your own?
Well that's a bit rich coming from the sabrina supporter,on about having empathy for people, sabrina hasn't empathy for anyone but I bet you don't say that to her.
May 7, 2024
How would you know a person off their tits on drink is not in pain? Are you aware of the amount of alcoholics who die in A&E's because staff presumed it was their drunken state but it turmed out to be life threatening and they died?
Have you empathy for anyone other than your own?
In pain - catch yourself on

I’m wise enough to know that you are just looking to stir the pot! Without any rational grasp on what other people say.

I have empathy but also eyes and ears!

Unfortunately like Sabrina these people hold others to ransom and the pity vote wins over medical need.

In the words of Sabrina- walk a day in my shoes!
Last edited:
May 6, 2024
Northern Ireland
5 staples she has apparently, bullshit, she was away for an hour ffs it takes an hour to get to the swah, plus if she cut herself that deep that she needed staples she definitely wouldn't be out that quick, straight on tiktok ffs.
‘When Sabrina can do a good fing job when she wants to’ what was that all about ! I don’t believe it’s 5 staples either. My closest hospital is Causeway in coleraine and I sat in a+e with my partner last Monday night for 6 hours.

Unless her hospital is just amazing and quick..I dono..
May 6, 2024
She posted a tik tok about that Elphaba a while back, when they were threatening self harm and ended up in hospital. She said at least one of us can do it right. That right there told me all I needed to know about Sabrina. She is nothing but a manipulative attention seeker who has spent the last 12 years playing the poor me card. She seriously needs to get some self respect.

AND she referred to Elphaba as “it”. She is vile and nasty and has the nerve to call others bully’s.
May 6, 2024
Sabrina and her bandages bought from Asda 😡 no way would she have been seen that quick. fing wobbly arsed good for nothing . Hubby telly me to calm the do down 😂
Can I just say as a health professional no way in hell would any nurse or doctor use that type of bandage or tape for a wound especially as “bad” as hers. If she did do something bad she’d need to be seriously assessed mentally then stitched not stapled which in todays a&e shambles would take much longer than just an hour and she definitely wouldn’t be back doing a silly shopping haul she’d be locked up for her own safety. so I call bullshit.


Jun 15, 2024
northern ireland
Can I just say as a health professional no way in hell would any nurse or doctor use that type of bandage or tape for a wound especially as “bad” as hers. If she did do something bad she’d need to be seriously assessed mentally then stitched not stapled which in todays a&e shambles would take much longer than just an hour and she definitely wouldn’t be back doing a silly shopping haul she’d be locked up for her own safety. so I call bullshit.
That’s what I was thinking but wasn’t 100% sure about the stables, I even googled it but still couldn’t be certain, it says stitches or steri-strip


May 6, 2024
Can I just say as a health professional no way in hell would any nurse or doctor use that type of bandage or tape for a wound especially as “bad” as hers. If she did do something bad she’d need to be seriously assessed mentally then stitched not stapled which in todays a&e shambles would take much longer than just an hour and she definitely wouldn’t be back doing a silly shopping haul she’d be locked up for her own safety. so I call bullshit.
Absolutely, spot on. Why is anyone giving that superwhy the time of day?

It obviously thrives off the attention, just like a certain someone. Ignore and they will soon get the message.
May 14, 2024
Sabrina , you have only got yourself to blame . If you stopped your bullshit and lies and seeking attention maybe just maybe you might just see where most of us are coming from . The nasty comments are the way some of us are expressing our anger towards you . Albeit some are below the belt and I'll be the 1st to put my hand up and say yes I've said some horrible things but when you go about your ways of life like you do it makes us angry especially when it comes to the NHS !! Answer me this if you can Sabrina but we're you one of the ones that clapped for the NHS during Lockdown??? I'll say no more but just have a good old hard think to yourself !!