Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

May 5, 2024
Northern ireland
She is honestly not right. Another box of overpriced tat from toptoys2u that toddlers cocomelon trolly is £17 usually.
Omg I looked it up your right it’s there for £17.99 and she spent £27 on it. Madness. I don’t get why she buys so much for that wee boy who isn’t hers. Like is she trying to show the mum up or something. The worst thing is come Christmas she will take pictures of everything she got him and him opening it. All while shoving a camera in his face and calling his name. That’s not fair on the wee boy.
May 6, 2024
She talks about how her life has been awful. The usual rehearsed speech of “I’ve been through two years of hell, he put me through hell…..he tried to off me” and yet she says people are jealous of her, which is it it cannot be both? 🤷🏼‍♀️
I don’t believe her version of events anyway, it’s easy for her to control the narrative when her ex isn’t able to tell us his side. If you google her name loads of articles come up. She’s clearly sold her story to whoever would pay her in the past. Well she clearly says that they split over the grief of losing Jamie. So again she’s telling one story to some people and another one to others. If he tried to off her as she says surely he’d be in jail.
May 6, 2024
Omg I looked it up your right it’s there for £17.99 and she spent £27 on it. Madness. I don’t get why she buys so much for that wee boy who isn’t hers. Like is she trying to show the mum up or something. The worst thing is come Christmas she will take pictures of everything she got him and him opening it. All while shoving a camera in his face and calling his name. That’s not fair on the wee boy.
More about making herself look good and another excuse to buy toys. She’s obsessed with buying toys it’s weird as do for someone with no kids.
May 6, 2024
Northern Ireland
She is honestly not right. Another box of overpriced tat from toptoys2u that toddlers cocomelon trolly is £17 usually.
There’s a plastic one in Home Bargains with loads of wee foods with it for £7.99 🫠 all them thank yous to the company too as if she hasn’t been sitting on their live reserving everything so nobody else can get a chance to buy anything 😂 you’d think she’d been gifted them the way she goes on
May 6, 2024
There’s a plastic one in Home Bargains with loads of wee foods with it for £7.99 🫠 all them thank yous to the company too as if she hasn’t been sitting on their live reserving everything so nobody else can get a chance to buy anything 😂 you’d think she’d been gifted them the way she goes on
Shes bought that trolley from bargain maxx because they accept Clearpay.she’s fing nuts running up debt for toys to sit and gather dust.


May 6, 2024
Omg I looked it up your right it’s there for £17.99 and she spent £27 on it. Madness. I don’t get why she buys so much for that wee boy who isn’t hers. Like is she trying to show the mum up or something. The worst thing is come Christmas she will take pictures of everything she got him and him opening it. All while shoving a camera in his face and calling his name. That’s not fair on the wee boy.
Also is Tyler not a bit old for that toy, it looks quite babyish.

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
Just watched a video where she said she’s the only normal one out of us lot 😂😂 there’s no hope for us then.
You don’t see us pushing a pram with a doll in it around omagh leaving of bags of stuff for people to give us praise, nor do we threaten to take our own lives and blame Sabrina 😂 I’ve heard it all now she’s the only normal one lol and she always blames this group. Does she not realise by now a lot of people can see her behaviour as not being right lol
May 6, 2024
Northern Ireland
Also is Tyler not a bit old for that toy, it looks quite babyish.
What age is Tyler right enough?

I think that is a bit much the amount she’s bought that child. And like someone said earlier, is she trying to make his mum feel bad or inadequate. Like on Christmas morning Sabrina could very well have bought Tyler more than what Santa has brought. She’s so over the top its crazy
May 14, 2024
What age is Tyler right enough?

I think that is a bit much the amount she’s bought that child. And like someone said earlier, is she trying to make his mum feel bad or inadequate. Like on Christmas morning Sabrina could very well have bought Tyler more than what Santa has brought. She’s so over the top its crazy
He was 2 past in February