Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan


May 6, 2024
northern ireland
I was going to say that too but apparently the gp sent her there 😳 would the treatment room not have done unless she’s letting on she needs staples again. Flippin clown and if she was at genuine risk they would contact the crisis team without her permission so they know it’s all for attention 😂
It says sutures of minor injuries so doubt they would use staples youd be sent up the road
May 5, 2024
Northern ireland
It’s round and round we go again in sabbys crazy world. She sees an opportunity for attention and it’s straight in there. So she’s self harm and blame it on us. Ring ambulance this time they were wise to your scam. Then a live to lap up all the attention and sympathy. As someone said if you took a shot everytime she mentioned grave photos you would be needing a fing grave. Then stay of line for a bit to make people worry. Then its wee trip to doctors. While ranting now all we will hear will be oh my arm this and that. Never actually addressing that you did it to yourself for views. And we are the sick ones. !! Everything we know about you you put out yourself. How do you think I knew so much about you to report you to benefits. Name age DOB eMail address which benefits. It’s all from what she has posted public.
Also the police will have told her that no laws were broken and that anyone can take photos in a graveyard or McDonald’s. If she didn’t put all the info out there for the public already then they might have took it seriously.
Sabby you are one awful excuse for a human being.
Look forward to seeing you in the port soon.
May 6, 2024
Anyone with any sense would know to use moisturiser under her eyes especially after being so dry you would think she would know after her being brought up so well 😂😂
Big tub of astral cream she needs slathered all over her.
And wtf is she live with some other balloon getting advice on how to get her dolls wind up! I’ve seen it all now