Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

May 6, 2024
North of ireland
I’m confused how did that leave her short of money? Anything for attention she could have went to a charity shop but then she wouldn’t have been able to add that wee bit in for attention, she’s always been at it by the looks of it
She didn want cheap clothing she wants free clothing and used her son's passing 2 get everything she can get .. she needs 2 let her son rip it's her keeping this all going i bet he would be ashamed of her begging attention seeking ass !

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
I’m just snooping on fb too. She was in fing closer magazine 😂😂😂😂😂
It’s probably all lies, knowing what we know now and how she behaves she was probably never bullied at all, she’s the only person I’ve ever heard of being sent hate mail because of loosing a child like you would have to be nasty to do that and if she’s lying she made it up, what does that say about her, getting a kick out of lying about her son. I’ve never seen her bullied for her dolls she walks round like she owns the place and she brings Jamie into all the time not other people it’s her. I’ve always said the hate mail was from herself and when she lost attention for that she’s doing the whole suicide thing now she’s a disgrace of a person no morals at all.

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
I just looked, the letter video is still up, you would think she would take it down, since everyone now knows she was also listing tat on vinted at the same time as making and posting that video, she looks even more ridiculous than usual, it has almost 10k views
She wants people to be worried that’s why she’ll leave it up in no time she’ll be back with a rant saying I can post what I want 😂😂