Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan


Jun 15, 2024
northern ireland
We need a dictionary or Google the world block to understand what it means. Would you not need to do the same, as you keep harassing and bullying Shauna when she has clearly BLOCKED you. The words you told people to do if they don’t like you. She blocked you, take your own advice. Leave her be when she blocked you. Stop making silly billy videos with threats about Shauna and sue and all.
May 24, 2024
That woman is demented. Again more evidence that she reads on here the scary thing is that she genuinely believes everything she’s saying . And that’s not a good combination. I wouldn’t even say she needs sectioned because I’ve sectioned when I got sick and the people in physch wards are too good of people to be put in with that evil witch. They are good genuine people who just need a bit of help. That yoke is evil throw her in jail for the public’s safety ya wicked oul trrrrrramp
Aug 24, 2024
Yes that’s right. I have her on record stating she will ring my daughter’s school. The second I hear anything about it I will be phone the police that’s stalking a minor. Doesn’t matter what I’ve done or haven’t done she brought my daughter into it. It was the Amelia account that said about the school and now it came straight out of Sabrina’s mouth.
Yes. Even mentioned name of school in msgs.