Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan


May 6, 2024
Dumdedumm dum dum , fety do gobbledygook 😭😭 don't think I'll be going to see oasis anytime soon !! What a shambles Ticketmaster are , booted out 3x today , even got my son to try but the site crashed on him . I've given up 🙈😂 ....... Alexa delete my oasis playlist Nooooowwwww !!!! 😂
My husband was up from 7 on 2 phones and laptop. Never got 1. I know of 4 people who did. I will never hear the end of it
May 5, 2024
Northern ireland
Omagh is a minor injuries unit but you still sit for 3 or 4 hours they probably sent her home next she’ll be ringing the gp wasting another appointment
How do we know she didn’t walk in to the hospital sit down take the picture and leave again. But she will be back claiming that she needed staples or surgical glue or even the doctors had to bring out the black and decker and perform surgery right there in the waiting room. Had to cover Ezra’s eyes for that 😂😂
Jun 19, 2024
How do we know she didn’t walk in to the hospital sit down take the picture and leave again. But she will be back claiming that she needed staples or surgical glue or even the doctors had to bring out the black and decker and perform surgery right there in the waiting room. Had to cover Ezra’s eyes for that 😂😂
As soon as I seen the picture up I thought that straight away.
May 6, 2024
I just seen it today, never seen it before,whoever it is is sick, we all don't like sabrina but leave jamie out of it.
I just checked to see if I had a follow request from them when I read here, never noticed it before either. It is sick, our issue is with Sabrina, not a wee baby who is no longer here. Not to mention that it gives her more ammunition to play the victim
Aug 22, 2024
that’s what the nurse said too when she checked me over 😳 that’s awful that people would do that to their parents some people just take the piss out of everything. She’s quite happy to show her arm anyone else would be covering for their own dignity and respect to other people
Praying it never happens again but please phone emergency services and they can get someone to you ASAP.
Make your toe nails curl the stories we could tell. MH is a terrible thing and she has had heartache and our brain deals with things differently, people that SH do hide the fact they do it. She has that arm chopped to hell but it would be hidden and not out for the world to see. A lot to learn