Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

True judge

Mar 5, 2024
In Hairy's EWM they had fish and chips takeout. He had enough for three people. Ewa couldn't even squeeze out the damn ketchup onto her plate and I belive Doormat cut up her fish into little pieces. She also has ZERO manners as she was smacking every bite and was not corrected. SMDH.
Saw other sat she asked her if she wanted it cut up and could she manage the ketchup! Im wondering how she copes when she eats at her friend's houses!!
Apr 15, 2024
I might have been living under a rock but never heard of them 😂 quick Google and I'm getting a company that sells furniture and hardware/a company that helps the elderly move/real estate so not a clue. But someone called Lauren Davies comes up when you Google them and she's managed by those teenage tossers over at ZDA as well so that's probably why they're all there on a freebie.
I live in the UK and I’ve never heard of them either. Beg will go to the opening of an envelope
Sep 10, 2024
That Zac guy looked like he just couldn’t be bothered with her 😂 First she tells him off because he started eating without waiting for her to film an EWM together. Then she’s bugging him to say byyyye. Her management must find her so annoying.
I can’t stand her extreme head turn to someone she’s talking to / demanding something from. A normal person you just turn your head and whatever her whole ET head twists at full angle and darts to the poor victim with her goggle eyes 👀