I honestly CANNOT believe that little girl Cassie is the same age as Ela, I don't agree with the make up etc but in terms to knowing how to engage, speak and conduct herself. Light years away from Ela. Ela will be like the annoying little 4 year old sister when they go ice skating. She is such a whiner. Sevda will be there doing her crimpled face "owwwwwww Dahlen, wull they nawt play wiv you"? "Neva mind, Mummy well bwing you wound the wockerfellah wink," "ar yowir shewis hurtin you my pwecious gewl, howild on thigh to yowir pengwin Eloshh, are you fweezin my love. do you wanna wayer Mummy's Pwimark falece? Awwhh you are exhawsted, we will go back to the hotel womb and order sum womb service and Mummy can tawk to her fwiends on the sowshul media.