I feel like she lives her life vicariously through others. She looks at what other people do and copies them in her own life. Hence calling this Riri elas bro cos i reckon she really wants what he and the other mum and daughter have. That’s why she also doesn’t live in the moment, always wanting to leave events early and eat food so she can film the food for content. She didn’t even seem excited in going to NYC. She couldn’t wait to get back home. I might be wrong but just my thoughts.
She ducks out of so many social situations, does a runner and I do wonder if it's in case someone actually films her as she really is, publishes it and shows the world the real overweight Sevda with no slimming filters to make her look at least an average size. I will admit to being shocked when I saw her walking the blue carpet in NYC, I had no idea that she was so broad across the beam, it was an eye opener and from the way that she shoves food down her throat at any given opportunity, it's not going to be long before she'll again be the same size as her younger obese sister. Mine.
Sevda, you're fat so accept it. Time to get the gym equipment back out, time to count calories again and cut down on portion sizes. You claimed that that's how you lost the weight in the first place so you can do it again if you'd actually spoken the truth which I very much doubt. Now to that birthday cake, the recommended slices didn't suit you, too small so you halved it to fifteen. Fifteen slices from a cake that cost the obscene amount of £60 so that you and your family can put your snouts into the trough again. It's a bloody joke!!!
Now to Ela's birthday present. A Barbie doll that her mum proudly boasted had been reduced in price to £25. Big bloody deal, Sevda. Proof if ever needed that her greedy, selfish, tight, gluttonous mother cares more about what she can shove down her throat than she ever will about her poor unfortunate daughter who's day it really is.
Wake up people. see St Sevda of Stevenage as she really is, she's the devil incarnate. Her daughter is an inconvenience as she only cares for herself.