Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

Mar 2, 2024
She really really needs to change the station when it comes to talking about “twolls”… it’s all she thinks about… this women has zero self awareness… her caption of “be kind” mentions she has a “thick skin”… do off she must be having a laugh to say that… she does not have a thick skin! Change the station please
Thick waist but not skin.
Mar 2, 2024
do me she wants Mr Spud so bad doesn't she 😂😂 out there defending him and swooning over him this morning awww.

One min having a dig that the twolls come at her for days over mouldy bread. Next min evrybuddys blocked and she doesn't see anything. "Passed" caring a long time ago? It was only a few weeks ago she was crying asking her followers not to send her stuff because only when she sees it she gets upset. Make it make sense you dumb b. I very much doubt you've had another 500 messages from your followers about your fake donation to a local jacket potato man.

Nether the less it's always nice to get confirmation that she's still reading here and TL and she's seeing all the videos calling her out. Lovely start to the day.

Morning Sev! Go change your knickers love they seem a little moist this morning. fing embarrassing.
Mar 2, 2024
Since she mentioned mould-gate again this morning with her shopping haul... is it not normal to check the bread before eating if it's been there a few days?

We don't eat much bread in our house so on some weeks if we get a bigger loaf, it goes past the best before date before we've really touched it and on those occasions I always check it carefully before eating it. Even before it goes past the date, I will give it a quick glance over just in case.

I don't think I could just take it out of the packet and eat it, I don't think I could physically put it in my mouth without being sure it's not got mould on it. I'm absolutely not saying she should throw it out immediately when it hits the best before date, sometimes it is fine for a few days after, but just.... check it for any mould first??? And get a smaller loaf if no one else is eating it??

I'm confused why it's someone else's fault that she ate mould, that's pretty much where I'm going with this.
Mar 2, 2024
Exactly, its out of concern, not hatred

But i will have to admit, I see comments criticising us twolls, they're saying were not actually concerned about ela because she gets picked on in these forums as well. Im not sure how to respond to that im afraid, to be fair most of her criticised behaviour is linked to her parents which we acknowledge, but ive seen comments on her teeth and such, maybe we should try to keep it more about begda to be taken more seriously about awareness we try to bring about ela
She puts her child out there for everyone to comment on. That is her problem not ours. Does she honestly think that a few people on comment cafe are the only people to say things about her Child? Jesus Christ the pictures the Perverts will have of her and edited them to satisfy their own perversions will be in there Thousands! She continues to post her child and I’ll continue to have my opinion. She doesn’t care then why should we! Like Begda says if you don’t like what’s wrote just scroll on. Sorry but I’ll continue having my opinion.
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May 9, 2024
The bottom line is to be in the public window you need;
  • To have VERY thick skin
  • or be squeaky clean
She has/is neither... she is a proven liar by her own admission, constantly contradicting herself!
She can't handle constructive criticism!

She has gotten far to big for her boots and can't see the only reason pages like this exist is because she is fuelling the hate! She has created a career out of 'influencing' but what exactly is she influencing? What is her USP? what does she create of interest?...HER PACKED LUNCH TT's ARE AS MOULDY AS HER BREAD

Lets just look at Mrs Hinch - she has quite a big following and pages on these sites - BUT she does have a USP in that she started out cleaning and giving tips/hints etc... she has some quite big Colabs with BIG BRANDs and does actually put effort into her AD's etc... she does giveaways etc...

How can this piece of s compare to the like of this? She can't even compare to the others (names have gone) who went to the NYC Netflix premier with... she can't even put effort into her appearance or her daughters appearance... Ela walks around looking like a ragdoll most of the time - her clothes are ill fitting and baggy (probably bought a size bigger to last) dress in the cheapest of cheap... which is fine IF THAT IS ALL YOU CAN AFFORD!!! But don't expect to parade your self and your family around the internet, looking like you have just walked out of charity shop and not get HATE!!! lets face it you could walk out of Ralph Lauren Kids with Ela dressed to hilt in designer gear and still get hate - BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE IS GOING TO LIKE YOU!

There isn't a person out there, either A/Z list or just a mere mortal like me, that doesn't get hate of some form...I am absolutely certain that there are people that don't like me (both home and work) there is probably conversations had about me 🤷‍♀️ do I care? No, absolutely not! Why? because these people are not that important in my life to worry about... we are all different, all have different likes and wants - they do them and i'll do me!

So if you are reading this (cos we know you are) get your head out of your arse and be true to yourself... if you can't handle the hate then f'k off out of the pubic eye and conduct your business in private... don't put it there and expect everyone to like/agree with you cos sweetheart that's not life!! Grow the do up and have a shower!!!!
Mar 2, 2024
That’s even more the case why Sevda shouldn’t be plastering everyone online. When you put videos/picture up online, they’re online forever. You have no idea what people are going to say or do. I don't personally comment on Ela’s appearance, but really it’s her responsibility not to post her child in the first place. This conversation comes up a lot with Becki Jones and her nieces and I say the same thing.
Exactly stop posting your child then people won’t comment on her appearance! I can’t have my opinion on her page but I’ll damn well have it on here. If people don’t like it then scroll on by.
Mar 2, 2024
Nothing to be concerned about and it's people like you we should be concerned about?? That's actually unbelievable. Doesn't tell us anything we don't already know mind with most of us having been blocked for telling her to safeguard her daughter but it's there in black and white. People should be concerned about the people pointing out the dangers of what she does instead of the people who actually pose the danger. Right. Got it Sev. You giant giant t.

Well just as your t followers keep telling you to keep doing what you're doing so will the rest of us. You're not gonna stop neither are we. The videos calling you out will continue as will we on here and on TL and we'll keep reporting reporting reporting 😂

The only reason she struggles now is because she can't control what's out there about her. In the early days she genuinely thought she could control the internet and now realises she can't and can't handle that people don't like her and can see through her bullshit and lies.

Oh well. My heart bleeds as I carry on with my day knowing she reads here and that she doesn't like anyone saying anything about her darling potato man and that she knows there are millions that can't stand her. I love it!! 😂😂😂
More interested in making spud man safe than her own child!
Mar 2, 2024
Sevda is illegally using Ela in order to perform work duties for Sevda Ela Limited by producing monetised videos, adverts, brand deals and anything else that generates income.

Sevda uses Ela front and centre in her social media work capacity. None of her Tik Toks are for personal/family use, they are all for Sevda and Ela Limited.
Exactly! If she’s choosing to use her daughter for monetary gain then is the cash going into a bank account for Ela? And I don’t mean £100 here and there and mean the lot she earns from her! I think not!
Sep 10, 2024
Well.. if I were Mr Spud I would be steering well clear of clit slits from now on (not that I think he had much choice)… he wouldn’t want to get involved with the most unproblematic person on TT (funny that seems to be backfiring)

I just know it was her bossy b mother who told Shakira that she was unproblematic.. “don’t worry Sev” have some more ice cwean as she tells her lies about not being problematic..
He’ll learn fast enough. People are commenting about her there like they did with the other moms of that NYC hotel room holiday. She cannot control those pages hence the embarrassing clapbacks. Her TT time is up 🔜 🚮
Mar 2, 2024
So Spud man was donating spuds out of his own pocket so Sev donated £200 to him? Or to an actual charity? Smells fishy to me and all like it's for self promotion for both of them.
I think it is leftover food that gets donated not actual physical money. So that's food that was destined for the bin. Not exactly the epitome of philanthropy and altruism!

Sevda could have done a video about the charity showing how you can donate like I did in my video. We all know she did the £200 farce to puff herself up and her huns stroke her ego. It was only about self not about being generous to the needy.

You can tell how thick and dumb and stupid her followers are with the comments they leave on my page and on Sevda's page. Low IQ, very low intelligence, poorly educated and unable to think critically or logically.


Nov 14, 2024
I think it is leftover food that gets donated not actual physical money. So that's food that was destined for the bin. Not exactly the epitome of philanthropy and altruism!

Sevda could have done a video about the charity showing how you can donate like I did in my video. We all know she did the £200 farce to puff herself up and her huns stroke her ego. It was only about self not about being generous to the needy.

You can tell how thick and dumb and stupid her followers are with the comments they leave on my page and on Sevda's page. Low IQ, very low intelligence, poorly educated and unable to think critically or logically.
Pardon my ignorance, wasn't the Sevda the Seagull page taken down?

Anything Sevda does is for the sole benefit of herself, no one else. And the fact she blatantly fancies the Spud Man....
May 8, 2024
This is off todays topic but:

It shocks me that Sevda is a few years younger than me, she has a kushy life, does an advert a week, doesn’t go out to work, by the sounds of it gets paid decent, has her family around her to babysit whenever, all she really has to do is the dog walks.

And yet she looks like such a bloody grandma!! I can understand that some people aren’t into self care as much as others, but….she has all the time in the world to look decent, wear decent clothes, she can afford to and she gets freebies left right and centre, yet she still looks like a granny.
You’d think being in the public eye you’d want to look somewhat presentable.

I work 40hrs a week mixed from home and office, I have a family to look after and parents too, my days are so full it’s crazy. But I still make time to look after myself and present myself nicely and keep up to date with what’s in.

The only thing she does is her nail, they’re trashy and gross and her hair is a bloody mess.

Sevda, start looking after your appearance a bit more and dress and act your age, not a granny!


Sep 30, 2024
north yorkshire
So, she only replies to comments which are ‘negative’ as she says - a lot aren’t nasty, it she replies. Then she takes the time to only reply to comments of people she knows. Must be a kick in the teeth for her gormless fans who love her - never gets a reply from Sevda, but she takes time to reply to the ones to boost her ego. She must read through them all to spot these ones as she gets a lot of compliments. More interested in deleting and blocking the ones which put her in a bad light.she doesn’t care about her fans which claim they adore her.


Mar 3, 2024
She puts her child out there for everyone to comment on. That is her problem not ours. Does she honestly think that a few people on comment cafe are the only people to say things about her Child? Jesus Christ the pictures the Perverts will have of her and edited them to satisfy their own perversions will be in there Thousands! She continues to post her child and I’ll continue to have my opinion. She doesn’t care then why should we! Like Begda says if you don’t like what’s wrote just scroll on. Sorry but I’ll continue having my opinion.
She will never learn and as you say she’ll continue to post her child for views. I did point out to her that nonces are posing as her followers and I got 70 likes but she’s chosen to ignore me my constructive advice as usual and I’ll probably get blocked!
Mar 2, 2024
Mr Spud is on damage limitation duty but what he says proves everything in my video about him and Sevda was true. He has a video up which incriminates himself!!!

Sevda didn't donate 200 quid to the charity. She gave Mehmet aka Mr Spud 200 quid which apparently will be spread over several weeks and each jacket spud meal he donates has a value of 10 pounds!!!

There's obviously no official, legal trace of the money or how it is used. Like i said, this is exactly how fraud and money laundering works. The charity themselves, if the Tik Tok account is theirs, very conveniently posted a gushing post about Mr Spud. The TT page I doubt is official. Very very dodgy.