And she said about the plastic containers as wellE. coli gwill guuuyyyyzzzz - why can’t sedat ‘put’ his own together? I would want to get my own if I got a take away. Also sick of how she uses the word ‘put’ - she knows this and is trolling us because she said it so many times honestly !!
Why do I come and read when I have a mouthful of Yorkshire teaGuuuyzzz - Mine has had another saga - she has delivery of a parcel issue (as riveting as the tv saga, the kept missing her friends saga, something else too and I fell asleep) how is this ‘content’ ?? I
Had a scenario today needed to remove nail polish, I had run out of cotton wool pads - I don’t post it to thousands of randomers iykyk
Imagine your spouse setting up their camera so she can record your intimate moment having lunch and talking she’s ruined this family
“I love this” and “mummy what is this” are Ela’s favorite linesSo Kukoo isn't very hungry, however she scarfed that lamundgen down in a hot minute. What did Ewa have, the lamb meat that she "loves", but has no clue what it's called. And there's no way in hell that a normal person ordering the same food would get half of the portion that Beg gets. SMH.
seriously this b needs to touch grass or have a shag she is so boring and so slow and so stupid with itGuuuyzzz - Mine has had another saga - she has delivery of a parcel issue (as riveting as the tv saga, the kept missing her friends saga, something else too and I fell asleep) how is this ‘content’ ?? I
Had a scenario today needed to remove nail polish, I had run out of cotton wool pads - I don’t post it to thousands of randomers iykyk
Ok so I just ordered some of that tea. It should be here tomorrow and it better be good. I promise I won't slurpe it.Why do I come and read when I have a mouthful of Yorkshire tea
Slurpe pull of orgasmic face and say ohhhhh that is nice with a smug grin while slating typhoo teaOk so I just ordered some of that tea. It should be here tomorrow and it better be good. I promise I won't slurpe it.
She thinks she is the dogs bollocks well she looks like dogs bollocksWhat on earth is that headband she’s wearing?
Did she get that from primark bathroom section?
She looks a fing state. Does NOT suit her one bit.
Will get my daughter to and get her to ask what special discounts you get for shagging begda and does she pay them £200.00 for services IYKYKSomeone call ecoli grill and pretend you're ordering and ask how many salads and Sauces you get per Turkish pizza.
They definitely get more than any one else.
Cracking up hereWill get my daughter to and get her to ask what special discounts you get for shagging begda and does she pay them £200.00 for services IYKYK