Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

Mar 2, 2024
She says she used to use sunflower oil, now she mostly uses vegetable oil. She's not sure if that will be OK. Why do you think they're not called the same thing? Possibly because they're not the same thing?

Also a bit sad because she likes mushrooms but it mentions button mushrooms. Don't eat button mushrooms then?

This is all redundant of course, because those tests are a waste of time, money and paper. I got fooled into buying one some years ago so I speak from experience on this one lol.
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Mar 19, 2024
She thinks all her followers are fwiends 🤣.
Thick,self absorbed t.
I cant believe that the thick and stupid woman would even think that, let alone type it for the world to see!! What about the “friends” who want to see Ela’s poo? The ones who want to share a bed with her? The pervs who call her daughter sexy or handsome? The list goes on and on. Followers are NOT friends and many she’d never want to meet in real life. Sick paedos only interested in downloading images of her daughter to use in creating disgusting porno videos to share with other perverts but that’s okay as they’re her friend. The one’s who follow her only to create new accounts and TikToks to humiliate her and expose her for what she really is. Are these people honestly her friends?
I can’t get my head around how a 35 year old woman and mother can be so naive and stupid, she obviously has learning disabilities and that’s worrying when she has an 8 year old to be responsible for when she can’t even be responsible for herself! 😡
Mar 2, 2024
Ela’s pat lunches really piss me off 😂 I find myself questioning the weirdest things. Like why is the snack time item always outside of that stupid bag? Does Ela go to school holding it in her hand? Why? And where does it go until it’s time to actually eat it. Why is it not packed IN the bag?!?!
Slap me because I’ve wondered the same thing. I concluded that she keeps it separate so Ela knows it’s for her snack and not part of her lunch. Ela isnt very smart after all.
Mar 2, 2024
Food intolerance results are basically a nothing burger. 95% of alleged intolerances aren’t things she eats. Main ones are tomatoes, strawberries, sunflower oyull (still can’t believe she cooks with nasty oils like vegetable and sunflower #foodie), button mushrooms.

A lot of fruit and veg on there and we all know that’s not really what she’s stuffing her face with every day, is it.

Such a poorly presented video. At some point, she keeps holding her phone up the camera and you can’t even see anything.
Mind you, whose phone was she using to read the results? Hers was recording, so was that Barbie phone Ela’s? I thought Ela didn’t have internet on her little play phone, just used it to record her own EWM’s that only get shown to her grandparents when they come over.

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
A couple of people on ig said the same that they are not accurate and to go and see her gp
They are not accurate at all it’s a way of scamming money
The only way to get the accurate results is through your GP and bloods taken same as Thyroid, I am high range thyroid have been taking the maximum dose of medication and only the specialist can prescribe that and my GP has to work with them I have to have my Thyroid bloods done every 4/6 weeks as it never balances out that is in the T3 and T4 but fingers crossed they have reduced my meds as it’s behaving and coming in the ranges but still having to have bloods done 4/6 weeks had them done last week again
And also food intolerance tests are done by bloods been done at the GP or path lab again been through that with my daughter when she was a child
This w is a walking talking lying dangerous b the reason she is gaining weight is she eats fuxking everything probably eats woccos dog s
Look light switch on look at the spud and she eat half of fat mines as well
She has food issues not food intolerance well basically she is a greedy fat t
Rant over but I find this highly amusing 😂😂

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
Mind you, whose phone was she using to read the results? Hers was recording, so was that Barbie phone Ela’s? I thought Ela didn’t have internet on her little play phone, just used it to record her own EWM’s that only get shown to her grandparents when they come over.
She has two devices as seen the other one before probably the other one she trolls is all on 😂😂 and comes in here with fatty sister acting ten men 😂😂 and the laptop and iPad
Mar 2, 2024
Let’s all recognize that Sevda will do nothing to change her diet after these results. She took the cheap way out and did the hair strand test as a cop out, hoping it would tell her what is causing her indigestion. Unfortunately now it seems that of that “bad foods” list - tomatoes is what she eats almost daily and I highly doubt she will cut them out. She will just go back to her status quo and continue eating the way she does and continue having the bubble guts.
Mar 2, 2024
She has two devices as seen the other one before probably the other one she trolls is all on 😂😂 and comes in here with fatty sister acting ten men 😂😂 and the laptop and iPad
Clearly she gets email on that phone and can respond back to her management, so she shouldn’t need to bother getting the laptop out anymore to do her “work”. LOLOL!


May 22, 2024
I really don’t understand why they have to come back to Sev’s to cut everyone’s birthday cake. Why don’t the parents ever host anyone and why doesn’t Sevda ever go round there? It’s so bizarre. Considering they don’t live far from each other you’d think she’d be round her parents all the time. Then you’ve got Mine who looks for any excuse to be round. Such an odd family 🤔 shocking the number of meals out she’s had in the past few weeks as well. Honestwy guyz 😳
It’s 100% so the cake is her house and she can eat all the leftovers.
Mar 2, 2024
How has her sister not been sacked. I know they are claiming it’s her lunch break but she seems to do very little and always have mummy or her witch of a sister round during the working day. I bet her employers have eyes on her SM.
I think she was very calculated when mentioning that Mine was on lunch break. She knows it’s been brought up here many times how Mine does TikTok content on her employer’s time. Honestly surprised no one’s ratted her out so far 😂
Mar 2, 2024
I don’t even understand why argy bargy helf check didn’t uncover all these mysterious ailments she seems to have. There was no mention of her mineral levels or thyroid. Maybe there was and I forgot? I can’t be bothered to go look at that video again.

What even is she seeking answers for? Her inability to take a s? Her weight gain? Cut out the butter, cheese, takeaways, alcohol and cakes. Add more fibre and water and see the difference.

No matter what this test result would have said, she was never going to make any changes.

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
I can't believe the crap she sends in for Elas snack. My kids school is fruit only. Not even cereal bars. A piece of fresh fruit.

Even my son who has an arfid wasn't allowed to take in any safe food for break. He doesn't eat any fruit. Still wasn't allowed.
My GS school is the same they don’t have snack breaks and lunch boxes have to be healthy fruit etc
Oh my what she going to do as health department are saying porridge and pancakes are not healthy and won’t be shown on tv ads till after 9pm 😂😂😂