Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela


Mar 2, 2024
Wow she did not put all those chicken wings for Ela šŸ˜³ My husband eats less than that. Also, isnā€™t the whole point of the air fryer design that you can lift the basket out to tip the food on the plate without getting any of the excess grease? Dummy just poured all the grease into the plate as well.

She's simple as it comes isn't she ! And that pink top does her no favours . Calorie counting my arse .. she's not done that for about 2 years!!
Mar 8, 2024
She is so boring. Her family must be so fed up of hearing her moo and slap her lips and tongue together when she is eating. Lately she keeps looking up and asking is it nice, cus sedat doesnā€™t say anything now unless she asks him. Iā€™d say he is over her talking to her phone every meal time. And he has to be sick of seeing that bloody tongue licking her teef.
I absolutely canā€™t bear her pronunciation of words. Sawwwwwcccceeee is just awful.
Her kid will grow up and be as dim as she is.
Mar 8, 2024
Cocky b@tch. Why be nasty? You donā€™t deserve to be a creator, All please and thank you to your family for the camera except when you have a drink, the real Begda comes out!
She is vile. And so so nasty. She has a nasty face. You just know sheā€™s proper mean. Acts all sweet and kind but underneath it shes hideous
Mar 8, 2024
Christ, her followers are stalkers and weird just like her.
Cannot believe someone asked why she hasnā€™t got her watch on, sad sad lives!
How fing odd. Sounds like baby reindeer stalker level. Also hate the way her watch and bracelet just hang on her arm. Especially when she does that strange arm hover thing she does