Her relationship with food is damaging and Ewa is only going to pick up on it.
Constantly scoffing cakes for breakfast and then buying shots and gummies because she ‘needs’ them to improve her health. Then giving Ewa gummies too. Complaining about her hwealth and diet constantly and how fat she is. Ewa is hearing all this. What is Ewa going to think when she watches her mum down all these vitamins and drinks and then gives her one? Will she think she is also fat? That she too is unhealthy?
I won’t be surprised if the child developed an eating disorder in the future. It is so so damaging. These things stick with you as you get older and don’t go away. I was terrified of crusts as a child due to my parents using the ‘your hair will go curly’ if you don’t eat them method or whatever it was. Maybe that’s why my hair is so wavy now
She’s creating a very negative view on food and portions and calories onto Ewa. She needs to create a positive view and perspective on food. Giving Ewa a variety of foods, trying different vegetables, not cutting off crusts or cucumber skins and start explaining why it’s good to eat.
I saw a video of this woman feeding her child and she is a GREAT example of positive reinforcement for food. I can’t remember her name as I was just scrolling through but was feeding her toddler broccoli and the toddler didn’t want to try it so she said that when she eats brocolli she pretends they are mini trees and she’s a tall giraffe eating them. That alone sparked interest and enjoyment out of food and guess what… the toddler then tried the Brocolli and enjoyed it. Also, she didn’t show the toddlers face once. The view was on her the whole time. She also didn’t orgasm over her food like Sevda does.
The point I’m trying to make is Ewa only hears negativity when it comes to food and believes you have to moo everytime you take a bite or you’ll be punished. I’m surprised she hasn’t expressed concern she will get fat eating due to her mum always going on about weight gain and feeling bloated.
It’s so so wrong.