Just imagine if she’d have been brought up not as sheltered, not so wrapped in cotton wool, not so weirdly, not left school at 16 to take up a job her Mum got her that she (Sevda) more or less displayed in her early TikTok’s she hated! AND if she had waited until she was a bit older in life and got OUT more ….her life could have taken off in a different way! Sliding doors.
Instead she was so desperate and thought she’d never meet someone, so she settled for a very clearly loveless marriage at a young age…with someone who has severe social anxiety, communication problems, no UK friends, mental delays of some nature and in need of a passport and a wife to care for him in every way. She clearly doesn’t want to go out with him barely ever! (unless it’s an advert for a dating site or an advert for a family lodge weekend gifted to her) and he’s treated like a child (maybe because of his mental capacity) but who ‘wants’ to take that on unless it was desperation for a marriage & child?! Very sad, but it should be a WAKE UP call in bringing Ela up….to make sure Ela is not subjected to the same upbringing! Hmm
What’s even sadder, is, as Sevda lost the massive amount of weight, and as she mentioned once, she became much more confident, and as her TikTok grew and she entered wrongly into her own very warped fantasy stardom mindset, she treated Sedat worse & worse & worse….becoming abusive, condescending and taking advantage of his inability to retaliate.
I wonder how things will go between them relationship wise, as this fantasy stardom bubble she lives in, shrinks and is soon to burst? I’m curious to hear all your thoughts?