Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

Mar 2, 2024
“We don’t come for sightseeing, we come for relaxation”

So she pulled Ela out of school for this? Most kids don’t enjoy “relaxation” - they want to be doing things. Ela has to be bored out of her mind. But I guess it’s no different than being at home for her. She just sits and watches the iPad. They should have left her with the grandparents and gone to “relax” alone.


Mar 1, 2024
Coming from the seagull account.

So let me get this straight, sedat is a POS who only wants to live a comfortable life where he has someone feeding him and dealing with his dirty laundry, came to the uk for a better life- obviously the exchange rates can help him spend alot more when he visits Turkey, so being a binman is just fine with him. As long as he can watch his football. Makes sense why he acts like a manchild.

Poor ela is all i can say. Dont feel bad for beg, shes a child exploiting liar narc.

Also the "positive polyanna" SIL who is an angel apparently, was in on this scam? Ha. I hope they get what they deserve.
She probably organised it as she used to work in accounts/tax didn’t she? She knows how to fiddle with those things, exactly why Begda uses her advice about her TikTok income, bet she’s helping Begda scam the system there too so Begda pays minimal tax.
Mar 2, 2024
So this is on Mine’s TT.. what do the these face aches think we are jealous of exactly? How are we jealous? Because she is overweight? Because she is a virgin (dunno but gives those vibes? Because she is a spinster living alone? Because she has a single bed? They make this jealousy comment all the time and I’m not sure of what exactly? IMG_6312.jpeg
I think Mine is a virgin also. Maybe even never had a kiss before. She probably takes care of herself every night watching 🌽
Mar 2, 2024
“We don’t come for sightseeing, we come for relaxation”

So she pulled Ela out of school for this? Most kids don’t enjoy “relaxation” - they want to be doing things. Ela has to be bored out of her mind. But I guess it’s no different than being at home for her. She just sits and watches the iPad. They should have left her with the grandparents and gone to “relax” alone.
She won’t do that bc the child apparently has really bad separation anxiety (per Begda). Newsflash: a 7 year old won’t be traumatized being away from their parents for a week, especially if she has her doting Nan taking care of her 24/7. To be honest, I think Begda is the one with separation anxiety. SHE can’t be away from her child.
Mar 2, 2024
I hope Sedation gets laid by Turkish hookers the entire two weeks while he’s on his “best mate holiday” this summer. Makes up for him not getting anything on his birthday this week bc the child is sleeping 2 feet away from him. Oh and we all know Sedation is the one sleeping on the single bed, not E.
Mar 2, 2024
She addressed the twolls on Instagram saying if she posts to tiktok, then she has to deal with the comments. But she likes talking on Instagram stories because they can’t do that here.

They have the stiest room 😂 Noisy af because during the day, they’re setting up all the different restaurants directly underneath and in the evening, there’s the entertainment that goes on until 10:30 😂


Mar 1, 2024
I think Mine is a virgin also. Maybe even never had a kiss before. She probably takes care of herself every night watching 🌽
Why did Mine literally put herself under scrutiny (and subsequently ended up on these forums and being used as the name of Seagull’s parody account) 💀 If I were her I wouldn’t be making my own eating like a moron account or involving myself with Begda’s se… Literally making a rod for her own back and for pennies on TikTok… Not to mention the digital footprint from all this which will affect her actual job and future jobs 🙄 Also yeah definitely gives off virgin vibes


Mar 1, 2024
Ela isn’t struggling in school! She’s struggling with math. Math isn’t school, I guess. She needs Ela to struggle in every single aspect and subject before she acknowledges that all these holidays are not benefiting her 🙄
I mean Ela is struggling developmentally and with speech/language too, but Begda’s too dumb to realise it… Or she knows but just doesn’t care about her daughter
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Mar 2, 2024
So she’s considering another trip to Turkey later this year (sounds like just her and Ela) to go see Sedat’s parents in Turkey since she won’t see them in June 🙄 But she’s not sure because of the new school regulations coming into effect in August. To think she’s actually considering pulling Ela out of school AGAIN 😳

They may also go to Kuki’s apartment during the summer but again, she’s not sure because who will take care of Rocco. She’s apparently very picky on who she leaves him with 🙄 Claims Kuki takes care of him the same way Sevda does. In which case, I say, poor Rocco. She has a hard time leaving him for more than an hour when she’s at home but has no trouble dumping him for weeks at a time to go on holiday. Dumb b.


Mar 1, 2024
So she’s considering another trip to Turkey later this year (sounds like just her and Ela) to go see Sedat’s parents in Turkey since she won’t see them in June 🙄 But she’s not sure because of the new school regulations coming into effect in August. To think she’s actually considering pulling Ela out of school AGAIN 😳

They may also go to Kuki’s apartment during the summer but again, she’s not sure because who will take care of Rocco. She’s apparently very picky on who she leaves him with 🙄 Claims Kuki takes care of him the same way Sevda does. In which case, I say, poor Rocco. She has a hard time leaving him for more than an hour when she’s at home but has no trouble dumping him for weeks at a time to go on holiday. Dumb b.
So three times taking Ela out of school in 2024 (assuming the Kuki apartment holiday would be in the summer holidays)? Ela’s school need to crack down on this b, she’s ruining her child’s education. The rules need to start being stricter to crack down on idiots like Sevda who take the piss