Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela


Mar 1, 2024
Considering ela already hates going to school and does everything she can to have a day off, her routine is even more disrupted now that she’s staying at nanny and grandads.
You’d think sevda would say only at the weekends. Seems a bit odd she’s going during the week. If that was my child and they ‘insisted’ like ela apparently did, I would put my foot down. I’m the parent, not them.
It’s Sevda getting free childcare and palming Ela off on them I bet so she can be free to get more drunk in the evenings… Miraculously Ela doesn’t have separation anxiety when it comes to going to her grandparents for half the week… The healing power of Saint Sevda our saviour 🤪 Pic by Sevda the Seagull



Mar 1, 2024
I agree - those sleepovers should be reserved for weekends. But I guess Sevda is just happy to be child free every other day. Then again, is it really Ela who wants this? Or has Sevda roped her mom into additional “helping” duties?
Doormat seems to spend her time mummying Sevda and Mine and also looking after Ela… Neither Sevda nor Mine have grown up, it’s not normal how much they rely on their parents in their late 20s and mid 30s?!


Mar 10, 2024
It’s Sevda getting free childcare and palming Ela off on them I bet so she can be free to get more drunk in the evenings… Miraculously Ela doesn’t have separation anxiety when it comes to going to her grandparents for half the week… The healing power of Saint Sevda our saviour 🤪 Pic by Sevda the Seagull

who is helping Ela with any reading or school work, after school??


Mar 1, 2024
She was absolutely frantic eating that meal. She even caught herself saying she didn’t know what to go for on the plate.

Are ready meals in the UK really that good? She’s always buying and mmming and mooing over them. Same with supermarket sushi 🤮
No they’re really not 🤣 There’s a spectrum of ones that are not great at all, and then there’s ones that are a bit nicer but still not the same as home cooked. You can tell it’s not fresh and is a bit like eating leftovers. Definitely not as amazing as she makes out. Useful to sometimes have if you’re busy or tired after work and want to bung something in the oven (which she isn’t as she has lots of time to cook). Supermarket sushi definitely isn’t that great and is nowhere near as good as restaurant sushi. There’s lots of great cooks on TikTok showing recipes for curries, I don’t see why Sevda can’t try making one herself on a day when Ela and Sedat are eating something else anyway