Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela


Mar 1, 2024
I just caught up on the comments on her video. Omg she’s going to rage about all the North Cyprus comments 😂 Along with the incessant questions about Ella’s education, it’s definitely going to put a damper on her holiday 😂😂😂
Can’t wait to see the gobshite try and explain about Norf Cyprus using her 2 brain cells… She won’t like all the comments about it being illegally occupied by Turkey 🥴 Bet she knows duck all about it all


May 6, 2024
They are common in England and have been for several years. She clearly has led a very sheltered life! I'm not surprised, being brought up by Hairy Tits and Doormat mummy

Omg - I remember when she went to stay with Kuki last year in her apartment in Turkey..and she only just discovered lager shandy...ffs 🤣. Raved on about it like it was the newest thing ever !
Yes! I recall that too! She’d never heard of a lager shandy! 🙄 It’s like the whole family have been in a time warp…and sometimes they peep out their turtle heads and are awakened to foods/drinks that the rest of us have been enjoying long after they’ve been introduced!


May 6, 2024
It’s the lack of self awareness for me. It’s one thing to be so uncultured and late to discover things but quite another for her to then try and “educate” her audience on it. Or worse yet, show off about it (like the stupid ice machine performance). Like sit the do down and shut up - we’ve all been there and done that!!! I will never forget what a b she was when people tried to tell her tomato paste would be better than basic ass ketchup on those cwumpet pizzas. Or when they told her scissors would be easier than hacking away at a pizza with a knife like she used to do. Of course, now she gets pissy that others tell her pizza cutters are the real “game changers” 😂😂😂
I agree….the way when she discovers something new to her, the needs to show it to us! She does not allow her tiny mind to consider SHE may be the one behind on things…not us!! 🙄 And so she proceeds to try & educate us! 🤣 And the rest of us all here on TikTok are like “Yeahhh… AND?? 🙄🙄 You dumbass Sevda, we already have done that, been there, ate that or simply knew that! 🙄🙄🙄 Duhhh!!!!”

I found the ice bucket in the hotel funny! She clearly does not know that most people know all about what those buckets are often used for! Vomit & piss on lads nights holidays, etc. 🤮🤮 So the concern being, you just cannot trust if they have been properly washed and sterilised
by the staff 🤮🤮 Even with the little plastic bag provided! It’s still touching the bucket! And there she is thinking she’s all cool getting the ice and using it in drinks! 🤮🤮🤮😂😂😂🤮🤮🤮🤮🤣🤣🤣🤣 She’s SO DUMB!! I was screaming “Nooooo!!!!!!” when I watched her getting the ice and serving it into the drinks!
Mar 2, 2024
Blocking and deleting again. That's me blocked for the 2nd time in 2 days 😆. Sevda - have a fing day off - you're on holiday! Hope you get heatstroke and food poisoning!
Someone said if you comment under someone else’s comment and then block them your comment won’t get deleted, I hope that makes sense. I did it and that’s why my comments are still up, I blocked all three of them


May 8, 2024
When she’s recording her dad’s videos she does a really s job, her camera skills are that of a 3 year old.
She always has to get herself heard and speaks through most of it, that horrible cackle she does.
She’s an awful woman. I don’t actually know how we’re going to get through the next two weeks. I’m struggling already and we are not even a day in. She is the most annoying woman I’ve ever come across.
Her stupid fing laugh ARGHHHHHH stupid chav.


Mar 2, 2024
When she’s recording her dad’s videos she does a really s job, her camera skills are that of a 3 year old.
She always has to get herself heard and speaks through most of it, that horrible cackle she does.
She’s an awful woman. I don’t actually know how we’re going to get through the next two weeks. I’m struggling already and we are not even a day in. She is the most annoying woman I’ve ever come across.
Her stupid fing laugh ARGHHHHHH stupid chav.
🤣🤣 we are going to get at least 5 tiktoks a day I fear ! I bet we will be treated to an outfit of the day first, and then a breakfast buffet , and then a hotel one !


Mar 2, 2024
When she’s recording her dad’s videos she does a really s job, her camera skills are that of a 3 year old.
She always has to get herself heard and speaks through most of it, that horrible cackle she does.
She’s an awful woman. I don’t actually know how we’re going to get through the next two weeks. I’m struggling already and we are not even a day in. She is the most annoying woman I’ve ever come across.
Her stupid fing laugh ARGHHHHHH stupid chav.
Same!! 😂😂 I don't know who she thinks she is. They gave ME flowers.. complimentary bar don't know if they do that for everybody.. fruit and nut platter delivered to the room thinking they've only done that for her. They weren't very nice at passport control..why Sevda because they didn't recognise you and lick your fat arse?? I was already fed up by the time they all filmed their ewms in the hotel in Heathrow it hadn't even been a few hours 😂 and yes I could choose not to watch but where's the fun in that 😂 I want to watch and comment because I know she reads here and I want her to know every day of her holiday that I think she's a Grade A t.