Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
She eats a lot of food and a lot of unhealthy food but is not big like her sister or her mate Becky Jones. Has she got some crazy gym regime and personal trainer to stop getting fat? Is she throwing up the food in the toilet afterwards? Some type of surgery is the most logical explanation.
Yeah she pays her mate fatty luscious £50.00 for a private PT😂😂😂🩷


Mar 4, 2024
As people will no I have said I am going for surgery yes it is for a gastric sleeve, not ashamed at all, and I am paying for it, for years I have fighted weight loss, done all the diets etc, I work very rare did I sit still until now, I am 54, I am not mobile at the moment due to neuropathy legs and feet just been diagnosed type 2 diabetes and have a under active thyroid in which I am on more then the recommended dose of medication for, I have talked with specialists doctors nurses, I don’t blame my weight gain on my illnesss but that is a very big part, also depression in turning to junk for comfort.
I am doing this for my health and nothing else, i have nothing to be ashamed of as i have dealt and dealing with the issues under medical care as well from my doctor and thyroid specialists and the nurse at my doctors, i have cut all sugar/ sweet things out already.
Yes I am nervous scared, but what I didn’t understand why lie about it, is it to lie to make people think you are amazing doing it yourself, no your not you have made yourself look an absolute lying t on everything that comes out your gob.
People would have thought much better of you speaking the truth, you could have helped so many people but instead yet again you helped yourself. Also the exercise bike you got for free and then you sold it on beggars beliefs
Absolutely nothing to be ashamed of at all. A friend of mine had the op years ago and it’s changed her life for the better! I think you’re really brave. Wish you all the best x


Mar 2, 2024
She’s definitely going to continue to put on weight if she puts that much cheese in a wrap. Absolutely wild, all you’d be able to taste is cheese at that point. I like cheese but past a certain amount it takes over everything else. This is just greedy 😳
Its disgusting! I love cheese... but even that amount shoved into a wrap scares me . And the way she attacks it is gross


Mar 2, 2024
Hi everyone, I’ve been a silent watcher for a while & have watched Sevda since 2020. At that point I actually liked her - but I soon realised what type of person she is😂. The main reason of me disliking her is because she LIED about her weight loss. The proof is all on instagram. If anyone here remembers, Sevda made a video (long time ago) on TT & said her weight loss is due to a calorie deficit & her exercise bike machine. Absolute BULLSHIT. She was gifted that bike in 2016, at that point she had already gone through weightless surgery. That exercise bike did not help you lose any weight Sevda🤣She’s a pathological liar. So, Sevda has always been very active on her instagram even before TT, she posted very regularly. However, in June 2014 she posted a video and the caption was ‘so excited packing!’ She was going to Istanbul. Bear in mind Turkey is the leading country for weight loss surgery. After she arrived in Istanbul she posted a few pics, only 2 of herself and they were selfies. Then she became completely silent for a whole year on instagram. No posts, nothing. Which is super abnormal for her, she normally posted everyday. A year later (2015) she posted again but this time it was more of her body because she had gone through her weight loss surgery! Sevda had weight loss surgery in Istanbul in 2014. It wasn’t thanks to a calorie deficit or her sty bike. Her whole brand is based of lies 🤣 throughout her whole time on TT, she has NEVER given weight loss tips or gone in to depth about it because she honestly can’t. She didn’t lose anything naturally she’s a complete fraud🤢!!
No way she lost her weight counting calories. She’s incapable of plating 3 plates at the same time can’t imagine her being able to compute calories.