Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

Mar 3, 2024
Three ingredients and the b was creaming herself over it. Probably tastes like s
There is a authentic Turkish guy that moved to Baltimore ten years ago. His name is Musa and he owns a hotdog and cheese steak food truck. When he's not getting free food from his followers, he makes that exact same dish with bread. He's very cheap just like Begda.

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
The neighbour must have made too much bacon for breakfast and had spaghetti bolognaise for her tea, everyone makes too much spaghetti. Instead of throwing it away she had the genius idea of this concoction and thought I know I’ll let Begda and Cuckoo have the pleasure of eating it. I bet she laughed her head off when she was walking back to her apartment.
But then tight arse bitches would eat donkey s if it was free

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
Begda will tell you this is Turkish spaghetti with Turkish bacon seasoned with Turkish salt
But Turkey is Muslim country and pork is classed as dirty lol 😂 so it’s either been imported or brought over which ever way it’s a behind the counter job lol 😂 and yes they do cook bacon in which people bring over for restaurants etc, so beggy flappy pissflap eyes and kuki you nut job moaning bloody bitches not very Turkish are you lol 😂