Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

Twoll 😝

Mar 9, 2024
She’s a b. Straight up b. I would hate to have her as a sister.

Also LOL LOL LOL @ them both scoffing salads and fruits last minute because they’re going on a health check. Like that’s going to cancel out the last 10 years of s you’re been eating 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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You know she’s not getting up and brushing her teeth after eating that in bed!! Nasty
Mar 2, 2024
Definitely a mixed bag of comments in her video about going.. what I don’t understand is the “enjoy hun.. you deserve it”… hang on.. why is she so deserving of this? Why is she more deserving than others? Just because she has no self respect and begs? That makes her deserving over anyone else?
I think a lot of her ass kissers see her as some sort of Cinderella. And TikTok has been her fairy godmother. She used to lay on the victim role really thick back in her pharmacy days.


Mar 4, 2024
She just admitted to never eating fruit! What a great influence to your daughter!

Yhe eat your fruits begda, it will reverse all the cakes you’ve had for the past year…

And the way she yanked those wings 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢like someone was chasing her to take her food away.

And let’s admit it, this health check is just a way for you to run away from your husband and daughter and go on holiday!

Bring on all the stupid eat with me post. She’s just taking advantage of a free holiday she don’t give a s about the health check!

Stupid b!!! Ugly mother f!


Mar 1, 2024
Never buys things that she wants! Only what every one else is gonna have?! Is she for real?

I’m sure sedat would love fresh fruits, fresh food!?! Not left over fresh chicken, a whole Costco cake, balsamic glaze, proper lemonade, sweets, crisps!

Also, should her video be marked as gifted!? Was she not gifted that marmalade?
I reckon Sedat likes fruit and veg more than the Beg does, she pushes her unhealthy se on them all. No wonder she used to be obese.
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Mar 1, 2024
She’s a b. Straight up b. I would hate to have her as a sister.

Also LOL LOL LOL @ them both scoffing salads and fruits last minute because they’re going on a health check. Like that’s going to cancel out the last 10 years of s you’re been eating 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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Wtf does she even mean by health check anyway? The NHS does a standard one for blood pressure/blood glucose to check for some conditions and in general it’s not recommended to do random scans or blood tests without a reason/symptoms or you end up with spurious findings and over-investigating for no reason. Also the amount of cake/croissant/biscoff scoffing isn’t going to be cancelled out by last min fruit and veg, got a nice spare tyre and bingo wings there Sev 🤣

As pointed out on here by one of the others, what happens if you get a significant finding? You’d have to still go through the NHS system and probably repeat investigations to go through the right referrals etc. As a doctor I’m really not a fan of doing lots of blood tests and scans for no reason as it brings up more problems than it solves… A lot of results only make sense within a certain context and are meaningless on their own. Getting ionising radiation (X-rays or CTs) as a health check is not a good idea. I wouldn’t recommend doing this.
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Mar 1, 2024
Those shein dresses and flip flops are going to look dreadful in Istanbul. It’s an amazing cultural city and really cosmopolitan. I bet they don’t take advantage of any of the incredible culture and history.

I’m also convinced this is her in route for plastics and also Mine’s for bariatric surgery. Watch this space!
Yeah I wonder if she’s getting her gastric band re-adjusted seeing as she’s been eating like a 🐷 for a good while now


Mar 1, 2024
Why exactly does Mine need to go on this Istanbul trip to “help”, if all Sevda’s getting is a health check? Sounds fishy to me. Surely Sevda can record this health check on her own. Set up 1 camera to record wide and use a 2nd camera to film close ups herself. Even have the doctor redo a couple of tests if she wants better angles. It’s a branded PR trip to advertise the hospital and service after all. They want filming to be good.

Nooo…I don’t buy Mine coming along just to help film Sevda’s health check. I think Mine is also getting a health check because she’s severely obese. And now that Becki Jones turned down her gifted weight loss surgery offer, Sevda is trying to secure a similar offer for Mine bc she is about the size of Becki and Sevda “can promote the surgery results better since she has a bigger following”. And just like Becki, Mine’s before/after pics will show dramatic results. This is why Sevda is bringing Mine on this trip. They’re pursuing a gifted weight loss surgery for Mine.
Maybe Minger got tired of being a 🦛


Mar 1, 2024
She used to go 5 times a week? 🤣Thought she just used the exercise bike? She lying again?
No she didn’t…. She’s flabby as hell including her arms 😂 She got a gastric band in Turkey and that’s how she lost the weight. No calorie counting or gym. Was super fat, went to Turkey with a friend who definitely did get WLS, didn’t come back on Instagram for a year, when she did post again on Ig was super skinny 🥴
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Mar 1, 2024
She’s a b. Straight up b. I would hate to have her as a sister.

Also LOL LOL LOL @ them both scoffing salads and fruits last minute because they’re going on a health check. Like that’s going to cancel out the last 10 years of s you’re been eating 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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Also the alcohol markers we look for don’t immediately go down if you avoid alcohol for a bit so they’ll definitely be able to tell if they do LFTs and ultrasound of her likely fatty liver that she likes drinking 🤣