Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

Mar 2, 2024
Free soul or three soul, can’t tell with this illiterate b.

She’s promoting something she doesn’t use.
Also what’s with the eye fing herself when she’s drinking it.
Disgusting behaviour.

Maybe go and play puzzles with sedat and your daughter, make yourself a better mother Sevda rather than selling yourself on the internet.

Cheap tart.
Illiterate b took me out.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Apr 16, 2023
Came here to post this too. She's actually unbelievable. The fing attitude on it. It's like an explanation or apology for her insensitivity just doesn't come into it. Not even an option. And that's exactly what makes her a Grade A t.

Good to see she can still laugh at anyone outing her and calling them twolls. This comment was deleted. IMG_20240828_153058.jpg IMG_20240828_152956.jpg
Trolls because they question something? Jesus christ. I knew there were plenty of signs but she really is a narcissist. Let's hope she gets a free mental health assessment to help poor Sedat and Ela from suffering any more of her abuse/neglect.
I've never known someone more deserving of losing her following as this t.
Mar 2, 2024
Whoops! Someone forgot the skinny filter!!!
She looks smelly 😫😫😫😫
Boy she is Fugly! Can I pet that Dawg.
There was a passive belittling on the birthday post, why highlight that your 12 year old niece only eats certain foods, and getting her to smile is difficult, if I was Kuki I’d have asked her to delete the post.
they’re both as bad as each other. 2 peas in a pod.
May 8, 2024
Okay so, she’s eating her dinner tonight with her knife and fork properly (still dragging the broccoli apart though) and closing her mouth when eating.
Is that because it’s an ad?
And usually she’s just a pig when eating and shoves everything in with her hands.
Her whole page is an ad though, she’s advertising herself as a pig in that case.

She makes no sense. Horrible to watch.
Mar 2, 2024
This is what I’ve said, she’s probably been told it’s a ‘possibility’ and gone with that, insensitively in a jokey and flippant manner. She really has no clue, and it is irresponsible to allow her to ‘advertise’ this. Where is she going with this now? Is she going to pay for any treatments she might need? Or will she go to nhs?
Don’t let her know you comment on here because she will block you. 🤣🤣🤣 She’s on here all the time.


Mar 2, 2024
Did anyone see any comments on her Tiktok or Insta saying that she couldn't have endometriosis because she hasn't shared her symptoms? Because I didn't. It was all here and on Tattle. READING HERE AGAIN. KEEP READING you lying dumb fake nasty b. You fed up bad but haven't got it in you to just hold your hands up and apologise for how you've come across. Where's be kind to the people you've offended and upset??? One way street vile piece of s. Predicted pity post feel sorry for me. do you Sevda just do you.
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Mar 2, 2024
Did anyone see any comments on her Tiktok or Insta saying that she couldn't have endometriosis because she hasn't shared her symptoms? Because I didn't. It was all here and on Tattle. READING HER AGAIN. KEEP READING you lying dumb fake nasty b. You fed up bad but haven't got it in you to just hold your hands up and apologise for how you've come across. Where's be kind to the people you've offended and upset??? One way street vile piece of s. Predicted pity post feel sorry for me. do you Sevda just do you.
She’s on here daily! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Mar 2, 2024
Sorry jealous of what?????
5-can’t even speak
6-no mothering instinct
7-no loving husband
8-can’t even poo
10-disgusting home
11-no taste
12-cheap shein clothes
14-eats and probably smells like an animal
The list goes onnnnnnnn……

So what she got tiktok 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

We are jealous because she’s got tiktok, oh piss off, we are all laughing at you on tiktok!!

We can all go on holidays, in fact most of us on here probably been to more luxury holidays than you ever can think of!!

You have a house??? We all have homes, most of us maybe triple the cost of your house!!!

You have a s car on finance? Most of us on here drive luxury cars!!!

We ain’t ugly poor trolls!! Total opposite!!!

In fact you are so poor that you beg for freebies, we all pay for our holidays, cars, shopping, bills, food, days out for our kids, Christmas and birthday presents…

So you should really be jealous of us!
Mar 2, 2024
Did anyone see any comments on her Tiktok or Insta saying that she couldn't have endometriosis because she hasn't shared her symptoms? Because I didn't. It was all here and on Tattle. READING HER AGAIN. KEEP READING you lying dumb fake nasty b. You fed up bad but haven't got it in you to just hold your hands up and apologise for how you've come across. Where's be kind to the people you've offended and upset??? One way street vile piece of s. Predicted pity post feel sorry for me. do you Sevda just do you.
That’s a good point. I don’t believe I saw any. On her socials, I mainly saw people objecting to the condition being diagnosable via ultrasound. And comments regarding follow up care and getting something like this done in the UK etc. The loser who claims she “ignores” twolls clearly comes running here (the only running she’s capable of) after every TikTok post 😂.


Mar 4, 2024
She doesn’t even know the symptoms!!! Couldn’t even list them!!! Back pain that’s all she could come up with!!!

Then she goes off to say not everything is shared on social media! fing idiot you tell the whole world your on your period, when you can’t poo, when you do poo, when Ewa was vomiting on camera, ewas poo sample… you come online with your thin cheap nighty at 7 am from the moment you open your eyes!!!

do off mate!!! do right off!!!!!


May 6, 2024
On a much less serious note then the health claims, why is she playing with her food like Kuki does? Randomly moving it around before eating. Even more annoying than usual.
It’s a new thing she’s doing, trying to copy Kuki…but failing miserably 🤣🤣

She just looks even more feral as Kuki doesn’t have all the feral-ness Sevda has! Kuki just looks a little artistic & a little eccentric when she moves her food around fast on the plate and gives a little artistic wave of her knife and fork just before starting to eat.

Sevda….waves her fork in a random mess (not artistic) and shovels her food around on the plate, highlighting even more, how much of a mountain of food ends up on her fork and then into her enormous mouth opening up! She then does all the other feral habits …… food spilling out at the sides of her mouth, the TONGUE sliding in and out of her mouth (scary!), the wiping of her mouth using her fingers or her whole hand and the deep groaning and mooing!

Just a complete mess.