Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron


Mar 9, 2024
it’s about time her past actions catch up with her……. The theft of charity money, the lies, the manipulation, the abuse, the trying to ruin peoples lives, inciting hate through her doberhuns on TikTok, showboating, but most of all how she treated that poor man and his family when he was dying…. That’s a whole different level of disgusting…. But I genuinely believe she would use anything or anyone to get the attention she bizarrely craves……. No one is off limits for this narcissist.


Mar 10, 2024
Agreed if I had a big following I’d take my children off both my children are autistic and one is non verbal but even I could still tell when they are uncomfortable about being forced to be in a video neither of her children have or are able to consent to talking about their conditions like when she spoke about lilys mental health, max going in for MRI etc it’s disgusting the lack of respect she has for her children. She thinks she’s playing smart that when she’s getting negative critiques because it doesn’t feed into her narrative that everyone must love and adore her and want to be her she uses her children for sympathy predictable🥱
You definitely can't force your children, autistic or not to have their photo taken or be filmed. Especially the younger they are, they don't understand. I have a family member who is autistic and sometimes if they are not up to getting their photo taken, they will say or hide that's absolutely fine.

Everyone has rights, and it's unfortunate that she's forced her vulnerable son on camera for views.


New member
Mar 11, 2024
You definitely can't force your children, autistic or not to have their photo taken or be filmed. Especially the younger they are, they don't understand. I have a family member who is autistic and sometimes if they are not up to getting their photo taken, they will say or hide that's absolutely fine.

Everyone has rights, and it's unfortunate that she's forced her vulnerable son on camera for views.
My daughter is autistic and isn't a fan of photos so we just don't do them 🤷‍♀️. Max always looks so fed up around her


Mar 10, 2024
My daughter is autistic and isn't a fan of photos so we just don't do them 🤷‍♀️. Max always looks so fed up around her
They already have their challenges and if they can't always express how they feel, it's se and uncomfortable. I would rather make them feel safe than feel frustrated. It's upsetting when they do take tantrums or do get emotional.

I do hope the new law gets put into place in the UK where parents can't be exploiting their kids on online platforms. Everyone has their right to their privacy, mainly children as they should be safeguarded 💛


New member
Mar 11, 2024
They already have their challenges and if they can't always express how they feel, it's se and uncomfortable. I would rather make them feel safe than feel frustrated. It's upsetting when they do take tantrums or do get emotional.

I do hope the new law gets put into place in the UK where parents can't be exploiting their kids on online platforms. Everyone has their right to their privacy, mainly children as they should be safeguarded 💛
Absolutely! I don't post my daughter online.i don't post any of my kids and certainly wouldn't without permission. I'm so glad this opened up haha been dying to comment on tattle for so long now 🤣


Mar 10, 2024
Cue her being on the tik tok with the woe is me and yada yada. Exhausted from the bizzy life she has! What busy life? Your son is in nursery all day and you have a 15 year old! Get a grip vav! You always claim to busier than a one armed taxi driver with crabs! You don't know what hard work is!

Mum to two neurodivergent children here getting them ready for school, getting myself organised for my full time job and running on fumes because my wee man didn't sleep last night (adhd). All the while my man is away in Brazil working! You do nothing and until you work 35+ hours and navigate parenting and everything else... you ain't relatable!

Nothing wrong with being a stay at home either! I did that for a wee while when my two were little and that was hard going but wandering around costco with my nana is hardly hard work is it!
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