Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

Mar 8, 2024
Same with the losing of the ipad 😕 always got to gave drama with it . I mean the ipad is basically glued to m hand , so for him to leave it highly doubtful . And the poor me its hard being a sen mum again but I do it to give my boy the world . Your son needs u to help him develop and engage eith him not use him on an app for views and money 🤬she honestly boils my blood . I have never wished for someone to fall so hard to the ground than her .
There was no way a security person at the airport went to her hotel for her. If they did it needs looked into. That’s not their job. And to be fair it didn’t fing happen. Max has that in his hands as much as she has her phone. Absolutely no way it was forgotten. She just has to lie for drama. How sad is that.
She shows max do all. She doesn’t help him in anyway that’s beneficial to his development. It’s all about her and how his addition needs affects her and how tired she is. She makes it all about her. How hard it is for her to be on holiday with him as an sen mum blah blah blah. All about her. She’s so selfish it’s disgusting
Mar 10, 2024
united kingdom
Well ladies it’s been a long fing challenging day for my boys 😪 tbf they’ve lasted 3 weeks with no school & nursery! Todays took its toll on them both 🤦🏻‍♀️

But what I genuinely would like to know is what does Stephanie vavron actually educate on autism? Like she preaches this is why she set her platform up for she shows nothing apart from his struggles, the things he can’t do the things he won’t do! And if you were a true ASN parent you would be share the things he can do the positives! She never shared strategies she never shared the good times shoving gummies and other supplements down his throat, no educating on his CP either… what could she offer to a single mother who has a 12 year old girl who’s masking who has autism ?……NOTHING!!!!!! Speaking from my personal opinion and home life there’s a good few things I could teach her with my son being 7 (and is more complex than max )she can only “educate” on 5 and under with similar stresses does she actually know autism is a spectrum like the rainbow end to end and children are all over that rainbow with a range of diff needs and wants

She’s so fing clueless when it comes to autism she can’t even be bothered to learn makaton (which is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever learned) she can’t be arsed toilet training him she can’t be arsed with him point blank! All that poor boy is is a prop and it makes me so fing angry the way she treats him like a dog!

My darling you got this❤️❤️❤️ don't worry you will be seeing my face soon and I will be there to annoy you 😘🥰

Only joking you are the most amazing mama and your boys have done amazing the past 3 weeks 👏🏻 tomorrow is a new day and I know you will just get on with it like always.

I love you ❤️❤️❤️


Mar 12, 2024
There was no way a security person at the airport went to her hotel for her. If they did it needs looked into. That’s not their job. And to be fair it didn’t fing happen. Max has that in his hands as much as she has her phone. Absolutely no way it was forgotten. She just has to lie for drama. How sad is that.
She shows max do all. She doesn’t help him in anyway that’s beneficial to his development. It’s all about her and how his addition needs affects her and how tired she is. She makes it all about her. How hard it is for her to be on holiday with him as an sen mum blah blah blah. All about her. She’s so selfish it’s disgusting
It’s a security breach. They’d have had to put it through for her and it could have had drugs it would have been the person carrying it’s responsibility and there is not a sane person on earth that would take that responsibility for you Steph. Everyone knows you put your own stuff through. Lies flow constantly.

And actually that’s a huge deal Steph. If an email went in about that, I’d back it. You’re a cow.
Mar 8, 2024
I can’t even watch that video the whole way through. The licking of the inside of her mouth (she always does this she thinks it’s attractive) is enough for me to not watch it all. the fact she is discussing this at dinner with her teenager is mind blowing! She is the worst mother. How negative to sit and film what they think of the person who apparently rings each hotel she’s in. It’s all made up in her egotistical head. To sit there and talk about this on holiday just proves shes so desperate for attention that she uses drama to get it. She said in the comments she will tell when she’s home what this person said. Just enjoy your holiday staff. Turn your phone off and give your kids some actual attention that doesn’t require you talking to your phone or discussing what people say about you
Last edited:


Mar 12, 2024
I can’t even watch that video the whole way through. The licking of the inside of her mouth (she always does this she thinks it’s attractive) is enough for me to not watch it all. Not the fact she is discussing this at dinner with her teenager is mind blowing! She is the worst mother. How negative to sit and film what they think of the person who apparently rings each hotel she’s in. It’s all made up in her egotistical head. To sit there and talk about this on holiday just proves shes so desperate for attention that she uses drama to get it. She said in the comments she will tell when she’s home what this person said. Just enjoy your holiday staff. Turn your phone off and give your kids some actual attention that doesn’t require you talking to your phone or discussing what people say about you
She’s manipulating Lily in full view they’re wanting enabled by her.
Jun 1, 2024
Haha her latest post 🙈 we are having a great time on holiday and not ruining it .yet discussing so called trolls 🧌 n getting ur child involved wow 👌 superb parenting 🤣 does she realise that by her putting up videos of her hotel n her son in the pool . She is therfore outing where she is 🙈 thick as mince this whole family except max clearly he was letting her know she's a se mum n se holiday by his as she said incident in the pool 💩💩💩


Mar 10, 2024
So she has been sent all the stuff from the troll pages but thought you was unbothered and why would a hun be on a troll page are they a secret troll 😁 also getting lily involved wow what a top mum also if the lady you say that phoned the hotel is a scorned woman what does that make you when every relationship That you have had the men have been accused of some awful things bit pot and kettle their Steph.

Aitkens Rowie

Nov 12, 2023
She’s outed herself why mention fan pages ??

What a positive conversation to be having with your 15 year old daughter. Just wow. I’m actually sad for Lily.
I’m not, she’s the 4th generation of bitter judgemental women who, if you don’t agree with them means you’re “just jealous” Thats the limit of their tiny little brains and at 15 if she still hasn’t figured out her mother has lied to her many, many times or why no man can stay with her then there is no hope. The pair of them bitching about people who comment on what her mother does because her mother posts everything on Insta and TT without a hint of irony! And no troll could ever top the unhinged and dangerous behaviour of someone who befriends a persons absuser, lies trying to cover their tracks but reveals the truth anyway so then resorts to gaslighting and making it all about their mental health. That's totally fkd up in the head.
L has no hope while those 3 women have influence over her thinking and beliefs. She might think she has her own mind but she clearly doesn’t if she thinks what her mother did was ok and let’s not forget she has an opinion of HAHM because of the women in her life. Or was that Vav using her account when making immature comments about breastfeeding
Mar 27, 2024
I can’t even watch that video the whole way through. The licking of the inside of her mouth (she always does this she thinks it’s attractive) is enough for me to not watch it all. the fact she is discussing this at dinner with her teenager is mind blowing! She is the worst mother. How negative to sit and film what they think of the person who apparently rings each hotel she’s in. It’s all made up in her egotistical head. To sit there and talk about this on holiday just proves shes so desperate for attention that she uses drama to get it. She said in the comments she will tell when she’s home what this person said. Just enjoy your holiday staff. Turn your phone off and give your kids some actual attention that doesn’t require you talking to your phone or discussing what people say about you
For the umpteenth time today, this common little tart has irritated the bejeezus out of me.

Sitting having a “lovely” dinner with her daughter but the anger and absolute negativity is palpable.
You can smell it. She’s rattled.
Also, the swearing. If I were on the next table I would - and I WOULD - be asking her to stop. She is so common. No
manners. Zero class.

As everyone else keeps saying: TURN YOUR EFFING PHONE OFF!!

Final say of today: of COURSE you read here. Don‘t ever take us for fools Beefo.


Mar 10, 2024
So this person colleague went to get max iPad what utter bullshit no airport staff would go and get it what utter rubbish I have friends who work for Loganair and absolutely not it would be sorry we aren’t allowed for security reason someone should message jet2 as that’s a security breech from one of their staff.

Aitkens Rowie

Nov 12, 2023
Exactly was she slating vegans n suggesting only old ppl troll n even big Bertha mentioned being a karen 🙄 so slating ppl with the name Karen also .
What about the women in her family who have called peoples work etc. surely not hypocrites! Mad Pam and Diane are old slappers, her mother is an aging slapper. If L ignored her mother about no need to stress over an education she would be seeking gene therapy right now to fix that old hag genetic disorder but she won’t because the wrinkly old hags know best

Aitkens Rowie

Nov 12, 2023
So this person colleague went to get max iPad what utter bullshit no airport staff would go and get it what utter rubbish I have friends who work for Loganair and absolutely not it would be sorry we aren’t allowed for security reason someone should message jet2 as that’s a security breech from one of their staff.
Just so happens to be a private account with 180 followers


Mar 10, 2024
Just so happens to be a private account with 180 followers
Funny that.

Plus in her video she said someone had emailed the hotel there is no way she wouldn’t get a screenshot or a copy it is about her after all. Come on then beefy show us proof your Huns always want proof even when it’s staring them in the face.