Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

Mar 7, 2024
Desperate times. Picture of her son with disabilities preaching to everyone how she can’t understand how some women behave the way they do. She needs to look in a mirror and do the talking to herself! We haven’t stole from a charity or shagged around when our husband was on his death bed. We don’t exploit our children for likes and views and use them as a means to bring in cash to buy designer gear. Hope you’ve enjoyed making an absolute t of yourself in the process though while selling out your vulnerable child’s privacy. No wonder she’s feeling anxious the guilt would be ripping through me if I ever did half the stuff she did and then going on to play the innocent victim online. do off.
Women supporting women , eh beefy? We need to find the snippet where she was rude about the lady in leggings to show how (non) supportive she was towards another woman
And quoting you pipedoon, she can do off ! We will find the snippet beefy and when your huns read on here they will see how nasty you are 🤬🤬


Mar 10, 2024
Aye she will go in n big kasandra will b like I've been watching ur ticktock s on ma wee jail phone right here's the script ur ma bird n yir buying aww ma tuck shop requests so forget ticktock shop n get yirself to the tuck shop that's what I like n ur paying 32 pkts of noodles, 13 boxes of space raiders 4 crates of irn Bru n a chomp n when yi come back to the cell we can get rid of that vanilla reputation yiv got ok
Then she will make her dish up dinner jail kettle style 😂

did yi aye

Mar 21, 2024
ohhh ffs 🤯🤦🏼‍♀️ How is she still incapable of getting women and woman wrong 🤷🏼‍♀️ Must be her dyslexia playing up once again 🙄 She’s so

Omg aye ok they are on it more than us 🤣🤣🤣 I got told from someone in Harley camp that Steph was on tattle and was shaza786 anyway that’s not went down well over there. Shaza786 is now slating hahm, ranting ma etc on Steph thread
Lol 🤣 hope she tries slating me ha ha one think about me is Iam quick with the wit 🤣😉😉🤣🤣 she's just a pure fud honestly she's full of se n fake as lol wee Dr Michaels love child filling in his camp with the gossip ha ha 🤣 yip know what they say about a woman scorned n all that jazz x u got any idears of she is posting on here or just getting a nosey for content idears as she ain't got any originality about her she has to Nick n steal everything

did yi aye

Mar 21, 2024
Mad Annie Wilkes

Mad Annie Wilkes 😂
Lol if she was my nurse 🤣 I'd be like I'd rather die please doctor give me one more last shot of rat poison I can't bear her singing another Disney song to me please don't make give her eye contact please just let me say one last goodbye to my family