Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron


Mar 10, 2024
Imagine making such a big deal about colds in her household when she has seen someone go through unimaginable pain and they ended up losing their life she did a tweet about people moaning about colds etc but she is doing just that, those Huns needs a serious reality check especially the ones who live in Aberdeen you are all a disgrace to support someone who has caused so much hurt.


Jun 14, 2024
I thought she had a dairy intolerance? Ice cream? And why does wee M sound as if he’s upstairs in that video? You can hear him but in the distance? Was it not her who said he couldn’t be out of her sight
He’s always put her sight! She allows him to walk up and down those stairs going do knows where !! Anything could happen!!

And his play room which is lined with all the toys bought by someone for her “autism group” that prob no t went to the minute they knew it was her! Looks like it’s in a higher part of the house ! What if he climbed up?

That’s the one thing she’s never said about him! That he is a danger to himself or has no awareness prob so she can ignore the poor little guy and get away with it!!

She’s disgusting!!

Using a poor child for views prob boosting it like someone said here so when u click on the song or the hashtag her fat arse comes up that many times people think oh look she’s trying to raise awareness!!

Na I doubt the little girl would enjoy that beefy hole ! Not even spoke about it but normally she would be on crying making it about her children!

She wrote something like “a mum covered in antibiotics but still showing up for a little girl” your joking right???? Show up for ur own fing children !!

And sorry braces doesn’t mean your unwell! L is unwell??? No she’s not she has had her braces tightened get a grip!!


Jun 14, 2024
Her PA needs to sort her out with reverse lights and beepers, fkn wide load indeed!
Her PA will be her mother so she has to request holidays 😂😂 no more holidays when vav needs someone to cart her kids about !!

When mine are sick I can’t even get a shower never mind a finh full blown make up and hair done !! And over a spot patch? Why ! She’s a fing weird one


Mar 10, 2024
Please no camel toe tomorrow , still not sure how that happened in a pair of joggers IMG_7448.jpeg
A mum with two kids and had them to do her hair and put make up on she is living in a fantasy world that she thinks she is in any way relatable to any mums let alone Sen mum. Using other parents for her own gain at that protest where are they all now they see the real Stephanie Robertson it’s actually really sad that sen mum on her page make comments about her life when she doesn’t even give a dam about any of theirs they should all be turning their back on her and what she stands for.