I’ll out myself here as a shallow bastard, but it’s in the name of proving a point.
So believe it our not, men have a weird obsession with women who have experienced what I have. Don’t ask, I haven’t got to the reason why either. Something to do with strength but ya know, it’s a choice less experience, be strong or die.
Anyway I was discussing this with my therapist, and we were discussing the not so pleasant nickname I gave myself for what I was dealing with. She explained I was more than ya ya ya…
We got on the subject of men’s attraction to me as I felt I wasn’t attractive anymore.
I was harping on, and explained that I find it frustrating with men in my DMs trying to chat me up. I mentioned they were men I wouldn’t find attractive. She quickly stopped me and said, so you would have been ok with it if it was someone you found attractive.
Well did I not get humbled.
It wasn’t the fact they were doing it that annoyed me, it was because it wasn’t who I’d want.
Same with these two. If you don’t confirm to their thinking, and give them what they want, you’re wrong. Your invalid. You and your opinion don’t matter.
So anyone and everyone has no place on their platform if they are not what they desire.
A word of advice for you both Steph and Aimee who want people to think they have hyper independency while counting on families to babysit, and daddies for money.
If a man is in your inbox telling you that you’re strong, so independent and seem like you have your life in order.
These men are choosing you because you look like minimum effort.
It’s not a compliment, they see it as they don’t need to do much or provide much because you’ve got it covered and minimum effort from them is required.
But your egotistical minds will THRIVE off that kind of compliment, and that’s why you are prime targets with your tiktok posts for wasters.
You can have that one for free since the NHS funds my therapy. Girl maths.