It’s someone else’s fault she is taking the injections? That doesn’t even make sense??
Someone commented that the dose she’s on she’s been on them a while.. why has no one stepped in and stopped her like her mum or nana?
No one makes anyone do anything, it’s her choice to fill in forms for prescriptions.
When it arrives at her home it’s her choice to open the packaging, take it out the box and inject. Every injection after that is her choice.
How long has she been on them that no one has been able to get her off them??
If someone can force her to take slimming injections, why isn’t she under psychiatric evacuation on her decision making abilities with two children in the house, one being with additional needs?
That makes no sense at all.
It’s all Stephanie’s choice.
And if she’s that fragile at decision making, she needs more authorities in her life.