She’s also missed the point of why folk are posting about her on TT. They aren’t trying to build their accounts or chasing views, they’re doing it to expose her lies. If they wanted they could always do what she does, buy them and a following! Not everyone on TikTok are on it to sell their soul nor do they want to sell tat and cheap clothes from chinaPlenty folk have the video saved and her comment section where she herself tells folk what and why she’s done it! She’s a fool if she thinks she can get away with that sort of s stunt!
And as far as the “they need me for views” bullshit! She must of missed last week when it was in here that that Sharon quines engagement rate is double hers and she has like 7k followers so who’s the real clout chaser BEEFS?? Was you hoping she’d spk on this and you could ride her coat tails?
fing clown