Wow just caught up from this morning! It's like a Christmas special edition 25th anniversary of Eastenders with special guests ha im utter utter disbelief, honestly can't even get my thoughts into words on this vile manipulating mother f! I've come across some nasty pieces of s in my time and with my job, but my lord Stephanie Vavron you are by far the most dangerous lying manipulating monster to walk! U are the monster that monsters are scared off! And not because the fear ur
You absolutely nutter! Putting it all aside, to actually twist this and try and blame an innocent girl who probably didn't even know what the hell to say to you at the time because you are the master of manipulation! Poor Chelsea going through what she is then putting all this on her just for u to get out of taking accountability. That little man needs a welfare check! Never seen anyone so unstable and I don't mean "mental health' unstable she's fing nuts! My mind is blown by today. After all of todays events to then parading around in her kitchen like nothing has happened......nothing adds up nothing makes sense. X