I can’t take credit for this but when I tell you I’m crying
I’m crying
I honestly genuinely have so much respect for you lot and a lot of love for most of you!! Wee t is triggering a lot of folk so I thought I’d share the laugh
"Hello you're through to the Comment Cafe Troll recruitment hot line, Cntybawz speaking how may I help you?"
"I want tae be a troll and troll that Stephanie Vavron t"
"OK, yes we do have some available spaces in our trolling ring, can I ask where you heard about us?"
"That English bint Sarah said yooz wur recruiting"
"AH, perfect thank you. Now may I take your suggested username please?"
" Aye I want it tae be VavsHeavyHoop aw wan wurd nae spaces or them wee line hings cuz ah dunno how ye get them on yur fone"
"Ah, perfect username I'll just go ahead and get that put onto our troll database spreadsheet for you VavsHeavyHoop. Now can I just ask can you tell me what colour of Clomana pyjamas Ms Vavron was wearing on 23.11.24?"
"Watttttt is this a trick question?"
"No, no not at all, we just need to test how observant you are and make sure that you are the right candidate for our trolling ring"
"Well aye, she wuz wearing them hoory hot pink want and she had hud them on fur like 2 days by this point"
"Excellent, that is correct, welcome aboard Comment Cafe Trolls Group Ltd"