I feel like I am sounding like a gill defender.im really not . But I doubt if she had the time or inclination to do a deep dive on beefy. For a lot of people it takes a bit longer to see through the bullshit that is beefy. So beefy might have pulled the wool over comedycare for just long enough to get the east and west facing tits done.and now it’s too late .she may well have seen through her now .but it’s just too late.
I would be more worried if I were gill that there could be a compensation claim coming their way.
I wouldn’t trust beefy one little bit when it comes to money.( obviously
) and I think she could have grounds for a claim by saying they should never have done the op on her as she was not in the best place mentally. She may even use the fact that gill could see her TTs.and knew beefy wasn’t being truthful.
But beefys contact with comedycare might have been solely with the medical staff after a point.and gill may have stepped back, left the professionals to it. Who could only go with what beefy presented them with.they couldn’t go delving into her sm to check up on her.