Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

Mar 11, 2024
Folk saying she has sold 25000 of her bundle but it at the start of the live it was sitting at 500 so not much sold I don’t think

Steph’s daughter or Could be Steph as abergal has her blocked in on Korey comments defending her mad ma
Whahahahhahahahha change the record! Hands up who is jealous?? Jealous of what?? Making a tit of yourself online for money? She’s not a comedian, although I do get a laugh ! Selling your son for content? Clapping back at negative comments? And maybe take less ❄️❄️❄️❄️ as it’s fake confidence and tomorrow you will crash and have a cold 😆


Mar 8, 2024
Has she learned any Makaton signs?
He could communicate a lot more is she did this with him.
She’s a vile vile woman so doubt it very much as it’s takes time 🤬
Maybe she could do a tutorial every morning teaching mums how to sign.
She needs to be learning this because it’s used by all teachers and helpers within educational settings to allow as much communication as possible. (Actually maybe the system is different in Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿??)
Even if it is, she needs to stop looking at herself putting her make up on and get doing something constructive to help her son to communicate.

Btw is she still doing her daily workouts and ice baths? (She needs to 🤭)


Mar 8, 2024
I see someone said the charity name. Do they know they are working with a known charity thief 🙃
My god she’s got the cheek to do a fundraiser 😳
Someone needs to speak to the chosen local charity and warn them, I bet she’s giving 1% and keeping the rest. I hope any money spent is in something she can’t get her grubby hands on or there’s going to be nothing left.
You’d think after she kept all the donations she claimed for a charity, that she would NEVER mention charity again.
This is going to enrage everyone again 😳
Mar 11, 2024
I don't normally post on here but Despervavo's latest "pay for me to answer a question" palaver has made me so cross. She is in no way qualified to dispense advice - and be paid for it. Yes, she can share her experience but to ask for payment is mind boggling. Aside from that, she can barely articulate a sentence. She is uneducated. She is illiterate. I will be addressing this matter with EventBrite.

That live nonsense last night was exactly that ... nonsense. She looked so crabbit right the way through. I love a fake tan but there is no way on this earthly planet that I will purchase anything from that brand.

Vav - nae punts (yuk!) - your continual refusal to admit that you are larger than a size 12 is, as many others have said, dangerous. You obviously don't care that you send completely the wrong message to YOUNG girls. I am happy to admit to being a size 18 - I look better than you and have much better dress sense so I really couldn't care less.

Your constant use of filters is embarrassing. Are you not ashamed of that as well? You expect young girls to believe that, if they use a certain brand of make up, they will look like you? No thanks.

I wish you would become more respectful of your son's privacy. That poor wee lad has no privacy. Unlike Are We LIls, he is unable to communicate to you that he wishes to remain off camera. You don't care about that. All you see is a pound sign. Disgraceful. Utterly disgraceful. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

Whilst I see you as a pretty enough lady, you look so angry all of the time. Venom seeps from every (enlarged) pore. You say that you are happy but your face says something completely different.

There are a number of younger, prettier "influencers" or "creators" in Aberdeen who are being ASKED by brands such as Charlotte Tilbury and Jo Malone to show their products. Quality car dealerships, too, are ASKING them to test their vehicles. What do you get? Oh yes ..... a certain cheap brand and pancakes. OOPS

OK, I should finally point out that, no, I am not jealous of you and your life. I am better looking, have a successful career, own my house and own my car. Fav - nae punts - you, to me, are a sad, sad individual with an even sadder life.
You put this across very well, much nicer than I would have 😂

I love how she throws the jealous word at everyone…. Just because people hate you it does not mean they are jealous. If people were jealous - they would try to copy her.

From what I gather on here - we are all complete opposites and would not like in any way shape or form to be like her 😂

I second this as well beefy,
I have been married 20 years, have 2 children I do not exploit - one I took the time to learn sign language when he was non verbal and now he’s flourishing - it’s called putting time and effort in and being a good parent.
I also have my own home and staff I know you like to brag you drive a Mercedes ….. well mine is an AMG with all top spec not basic like yours , but you know what they says basic for a basic vanilla b 🤪🤪😂 don’t be jealous though 😏😏😏😏😏
Mar 11, 2024
Arnt we lils responding to comments that don’t blow smoke up vavs ass saying people are jealous of her mum, clearly dirty Diana and droopy face Pam have been filling her head with the same se they tell vav! Jesus how many times do we have to say, there is no jealousy, vavs a dick she’s an embarrassment and a se ma, but we are jealous? Get a new narrative and realise your precious is fake af!!!
Mar 11, 2024
Arnt we lils responding to comments that don’t blow smoke up vavs ass saying people are jealous of her mum, clearly dirty Diana and droopy face Pam have been filling her head with the same se they tell vav! Jesus how many times do we have to say, there is no jealousy, vavs a dick she’s an embarrassment and a se ma, but we are jealous? Get a new narrative and realise your precious is fake af!!!
And arnt we lils, you have to look forward to looking like dirty Diana, droopy and vav, and inheriting the famous size 12 arse that they claim they have 😆


Mar 8, 2024
My god she’s got the cheek to do a fundraiser 😳
Someone needs to speak to the chosen local charity and warn them, I bet she’s giving 1% and keeping the rest. I hope any money spent is in something she can’t get her grubby hands on or there’s going to be nothing left.
You’d think after she kept all the donations she claimed for a charity, that she would NEVER mention charity again.
This is going to enrage everyone again 😳
Will someone let me know if the charity is mentioned? I’ll contact them 👍🏼


Apr 5, 2024
Staf “boo” if you really are “ all that “ why do you edit your pics to death? Why do you slim 4 stone out of each arm and your back and take away about 4 chins on each pic you post?
Look at yourself in the mirror when you wake up this morning and tell everyone you are still all that 😂 there’s a reason you can’t keep a man. You can’t even keep one hooked whilst with them, Petr on tinder, Harley messaging girls 😏😂
Staf remember when you had your wedding dress on saying so many likes and you’ll renew your vows 😂😂 all whilst he’s dipping his dick in girls and on tinder 😂😂😂🫣 sucks to be you
It's beyond me how her huns fall for that s . I see Cherine and Danielle , Shazza Westlake been on her " troll" post . Scheme Queens , and I'm sure some of her huns trolling other pages is the mad alcoholic maw on a burner . e.g photoshopped Jill's profile giving tit on abergal's latest ...I liked one hun's comment saying the trolls probably sitting with a leopard print dressing gown on and fag hanging out their mouths ?! Say's the McD's big balloon herself . Aw man , I can't cope with these roasters 🥴
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Mar 27, 2024
Despervado has blocked me. Actually, I will be eternally thankful to her for doing so because I no longer have to look at her miserable ratty face and listen to her constant moaning and negativity. However ......

For the life of me, I can't see this s**t show of a live event on EventBrite. If someone could direct me, that would be great? Also, am I correct in saying that somebody (Bradley somebody?) mentioned that the chosen charity was SensationALL in Westhill?


Mar 8, 2024
Despervado has blocked me. Actually, I will be eternally thankful to her for doing so because I no longer have to look at her miserable ratty face and listen to her constant moaning and negativity. However ......

For the life of me, I can't see this s**t show of a live event on EventBrite. If someone could direct me, that would be great? Also, am I correct in saying that somebody (Bradley somebody?) mentioned that the chosen charity was SensationALL in Westhill?


Mar 10, 2024
Poor Bradley hasn’t got a clue what he’s got himself into. It’s a ticketed event cause she know loads of people would go onto his side of a live and tell him all about her!!!! Everyone needs to e mail sensation ALL to let this charity know exactly that they will be known for association with a known charity thief!!!! If enough of us do it they will certainly give thought to it. Let’s not let her give this charity who helps kids with asn needs a bad name!!!! Get on it everyone please 💯💯💯
I have emailed let’s see if I get a response 🤞
Mar 12, 2024
My god she’s got the cheek to do a fundraiser 😳
Someone needs to speak to the chosen local charity and warn them, I bet she’s giving 1% and keeping the rest. I hope any money spent is in something she can’t get her grubby hands on or there’s going to be nothing left.
You’d think after she kept all the donations she claimed for a charity, that she would NEVER mention charity again.
This is going to enrage everyone again 😳
Be needing it for her rent for pippy mansion, horrible creature.


Mar 9, 2024
Another troll post when you apparently don’t care 😆😆😆 and in the comments we better buckle the next few weeks because if you don’t know she is taking out a blusher just thought I would let you know as not sure everyone knows 👍🏻
I’m sorry I seen this, who the fk does she think she’s is…. I’ve been whisked away for a lovely weekend 😍 Steff hen please what we mad about? I would love to know, I seen the comment about her driving a merc 😭😂 my boys 18 and drives an A class 😆 not on finance either ya rocket, my everyday watch is probs worth double yer car 😂 I could go on and on Vag but aye nothing to be mad or jealous about ya mad boot…. I’d have ye greeting 👊🏽
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