Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

Mar 8, 2024
Omfg! She really needs to get a grip on her knickers. I cannot cope with the level of cringe I get for her. Butterflies?? Are they for the Welsh or Irish guy, cos she's that desirable, (in her head) she actually thinks she playing them off against each other.
So, she's nearly 40 and acting like that over a guy in his twenties. Really has got this delusional smugness going on, mortified for her.
I genuinely believe alongside the narcissism, that she has arrested development, stuck at age 14 with her first boyfriend mentality.
Tragically but amazingly entertaining at the same time, the wee mouthbreathing vavronites have their wee gussets all moist over the thought of their idol snaring another victim.
As well as the maw dancing trying to get all down with the kids and the sneery, sassy lip syncing , she really comes across like a female Paul Breach both cringingly good at making arses of themselves. So funny to watch though. Miss her wee gun finger shooting to rap songs, used to have me s scared, cos she so street and cooool. Scarey ghetto mama that punts tippex nail varnish and pancakes.
If I was his maw and she was bothering my twenty something son I'd run her heid first into the nearest bin.
What a prospect. Imagine having that and her mad maw and nana, potentially in or associated with your family. Hell naw!!.
Sorry for the long post but cc keep the newbies on a postings limit tight leash. So it's like my brain explodes over the keyboard. And breathe ... as Staph says.
Who’s the Welsh one?? I can’t keep up haha the Irish busker is a creep I get bad vibes off him. I don’t know why I just do.
Vac has it in her head she’s souuu souuu gewd that men can’t not fancy her like. She thinks men just want her. And when she has got a fella she acts hard and shows off. The whole relationship with the little skinny fella was made all about her. How he treats her, how he speaks to her, how amazing she is. Never anything about him. She’s so self absorbed that she believes n a relationship that it’s one sided. She doesn’t have to do anything cus she’s just that gewd and stunning. Stomping round London like shes wearing cement boots sucking off straws thinking to herself “the busker will love this cus I am so sexy” who the do walks round doing this and writing words to the effect she does thinking she’s amazing. As times gone on she has got so embarrassing that it’s difficult to not absolutely cringe from head to toe to her. She really does love herself.
Mar 12, 2024
I seen that last night 5 likes on the comment and you can see clear as day it’s a filter I wonder if that word be a report for asa?
Clear as day isn’t it! we seen the real unedited version while she was stomping about with Cherine. And we seen the real arms when Korey asked her to hold them up on live the other night. this lying and filtering is so damaging and she’s nearly 40 ffs
Worth a wee report for sure ✔️
Mar 10, 2024
united kingdom
Why when she mentions where she got something like her Chanel’s it’s always 🤦🏻‍♀️ Vav hen it’s no really a flex is it?! I’ve got about 6 pairs of LVs, my reading glasses are Chanel ffs who gives a s
You have do all that any of us want or need, we don’t need to buy our men, us that have them, you do 😂😭🤡
No it’s not a flex at all🤣 vav come back when you have a Chanel bag🤪🤪🤪🤪


Mar 8, 2024
Why when she mentions where she got something like her Chanel’s it’s always 🤦🏻‍♀️ Vav hen it’s no really a flex is it?! I’ve got about 6 pairs of LVs, my reading glasses are Chanel ffs who gives a s
You have do all that any of us want or need, we don’t need to buy our men, us that have them, you do 😂😭🤡
She wants my life and my walk in closet. Chanel and Goyard bags galore.
She won’t like Goyard, it’s understated.
I wouldn’t post photos of my life all over social media, some people are struggling, some people can’t justify spending that much because they have family to provide for and choose to save their money for their children’s future.
I cherish all my handbags. I don’t ever just USE them to annoy and upset others or to show off. So here she is showing off constantly with bags and sunglasses yet she doesn’t own a house, surely a good strong mother would be saving all she can and buy a house first? Oh no she just spends spends and spends on herself. That says it all really. She’s a tramp with zero class
What will she do in the future when this type of work isn’t enough to pay a mortgage? Maybe a mobile hairdresser?
She’d have to move out of Scotland I think 🤭and the word is spreading about her unsavoury past, so she better think about it as she will have no client base in any other regions of the UK.
Mar 11, 2024
She wants my life and my walk in closet. Chanel and Goyard bags galore.
She won’t like Goyard, it’s understated.
I wouldn’t post photos of my life all over social media, some people are struggling, some people can’t justify spending that much because they have family to provide for and choose to save their money for their children’s future.
I cherish all my handbags. I don’t ever just USE them to annoy and upset others or to show off. So here she is showing off constantly with bags and sunglasses yet she doesn’t own a house, surely a good strong mother would be saving all she can and buy a house first? Oh no she just spends spends and spends on herself. That says it all really. She’s a tramp with zero class
What will she do in the future when this type of work isn’t enough to pay a mortgage? Maybe a mobile hairdresser?
She’d have to move out of Scotland I think 🤭and the word is spreading about her unsavoury past, so she better think about it as she will have no client base in any other regions of the UK.
She would dance for tips 😂


Mar 9, 2024
She wants my life and my walk in closet. Chanel and Goyard bags galore.
She won’t like Goyard, it’s understated.
I wouldn’t post photos of my life all over social media, some people are struggling, some people can’t justify spending that much because they have family to provide for and choose to save their money for their children’s future.
I cherish all my handbags. I don’t ever just USE them to annoy and upset others or to show off. So here she is showing off constantly with bags and sunglasses yet she doesn’t own a house, surely a good strong mother would be saving all she can and buy a house first? Oh no she just spends spends and spends on herself. That says it all really. She’s a tramp with zero class
What will she do in the future when this type of work isn’t enough to pay a mortgage? Maybe a mobile hairdresser?
She’d have to move out of Scotland I think 🤭and the word is spreading about her unsavoury past, so she better think about it as she will have no client base in any other regions of the UK.
Exactly she’s so unrelatable to single parents or even 2 parent families who work their arses off and still struggle financially….
I don’t post much on sm at all anymore, it’s not nice for people or struggling then you have the other side, jealousy or looking for financial help. I’ll help anyone who genuinely needs it.
She’s just a show off t who thinks she’s miss fabulous, aww look at me but Vav hen yer just a bliddy clown 🤡
She really needs to be brought down with a major bump