Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

Apr 25, 2024
Just watched the news and apparently Lake Windermere is full of a dangerous amount of algae. I wonder if Stephanie’s stalker has been pissing in the Lake and caused it to turn Green just like they did in her lukewarm ice bath. Pity Steph can’t show us her CCTV of the stalker in action so we can find out who they are. I’m intrigued to know what a person who’s piss is Green and causes algae looks like

space raider

Mar 23, 2024
Why do her eyes look like they’re melting off down the side of her face? I’ve never known anyone to have wrinkly saggy eyelids like she does no wonder she plasters the make up on but it makes her skin look worse you can see all the deep lines she’s got! She preaches she uses spf every day but the road map face says otherwise
That’s definitely not a spf 50 kind of face 😂 does she do where it, she really should but I think the damage is already done. I’ve never seen aging like it tbh 🙈 she needs to have a long hard look at herself in the mirror and thank her mad mother for those genetics 💁🏼‍♀️🤪😂 #pinchme