Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron


Apr 5, 2024
Notice her mum is there to take lily away back home with her after their diner together. Making a point of people seeing her there for a bit 😂
ED again - my arse. Stupid s. I don’t have an ED luckily but I would STILL never eat on camera, nor eat like that. She’s a fing mockery 🤬🤬🤬🤬 I know that would be the worst thing ever for anyone who has ever suffered/suffering.

Smelly, scruffy, dirty, lying ugly witch face t
Dairy intolerance my fkn arse ! Unless it's dairy free ( which I very much doubt) but her Thick Tokers won't say anything will they .
Mar 12, 2024
Good morning guyyyzzzz 😂
First off Flora yer a t and not a good t like us, a bliddy horrible t describing your sons hair like that, he’s got bed head ya weapon 🤬 sort yerself out before commenting on others, your face looks like s this morning, spotty heed 😭
I’m a bit sceptical about this new person, it’s nothing that’s not really been said before tbh is it? Could it be someone at the mixing 🤷🏻‍♀️ I dunno but time will tell.
I have my doubts too, they said a couple of times ‘ how much people’ instead of ‘how many’ which is a classic Steph phrase, also keeps spelling Brendan as Brendon. and described something as wee, I thought that was Scottish not Irish 🤷🏼‍♀️ Time will definitely tell.