Tattle Life Forums General Thread


New member
Mar 7, 2024
Woah that is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard… why are people so reckless / naive online? These forums are great for their anonymity and ability to come and go freely with no responsibility to anyone, and to discuss a specific niche person / topic. Madness.
IKR? Even tattle told them multiple times not to do this and they complained that tattle was trying to ruin all the fun. I think tattle was trying to save them from their own stupidity!


Mar 4, 2024
IKR? Even tattle told them multiple times not to do this and they complained that tattle was trying to ruin all the fun. I think tattle was trying to save them from their own stupidity!

They are all still in touch and it wasn’t any of them that caused the doxxing. They just happened to find each other off Tattle and chatted. Yes, I am one of them.

I don’t care anymore but I wanted to correct a wrong that has been put out there. We are all sickened and appalled at what has happened and my WhatsApp is constantly filled with screenshots of reports. It is nothing to do with us. Stop spreading that rumour.

We are all sick and tired of this. Each of us feels the need to constantly check here and Reddit and I know I am giving satisfaction to the user by admitting this but it’s enough now. Legal routes are being taken and we know who they are.


Mar 4, 2024
Good evening everyone on Comment Cafe.

My sincere apologies for the late response to reports. I had no idea this forum had suddenly got a lot more active. I will be here more and I will work on getting more mods involved! Sorry again.

The user with multiple accounts is @Glitterballs and they are here to cause trouble. This one person has caused over 100 reports! Do not quote anyone that is causing trouble as it encourages them. Report and ignore totally. Don't use any of the reactions either. We will take action. Posts have been deleted.

Screenshot 2024-03-07 at 09.32.51.png

Thank you for stepping in. You’ll see that I only have one account. It wasn’t me that reported people as I thought this place was admin free. If I see any more I will report now.

This has got to legal action now.


New member
Mar 7, 2024
They are all still in touch and it wasn’t any of them that caused the doxxing. They just happened to find each other off Tattle and chatted. Yes, I am one of them.

I don’t care anymore but I wanted to correct a wrong that has been put out there. We are all sickened and appalled at what has happened and my WhatsApp is constantly filled with screenshots of reports. It is nothing to do with us. Stop spreading that rumour.
I'm not spreading a wrong.

I saw it for myself on the thread. They were all talking about joining a private twitter group and that led to a WhatsApp chat. People did not simply find each other, they were all talking about how they're joining in private group and who to follow to get in. Proved to be a very bad idea.

The person that did the doxxing via proxy (sending it to unmasked) is very much one from the WhatsApp. They're pretending they're sickened and appalled at what happened, while laughing at everyone behind your back. It is 100% to do with your groups and one person you let in. The person responsible for doxxing to unmasked drops hints to try pass blame to others but also has dropped a fair few things that link back to them and their tattle account. To which they'll say it's someone else dropping hints to them. It's a bit of a s whodunit. But you guys need to wake up and realise that you're still being friendly with the person that did it and is behind all these accounts here and Reddit. They're bullshitting you guys. Yea I know I'll be accused of being them.


Mar 4, 2024
I'm not spreading a wrong.

I saw it for myself on the thread. They were all talking about joining a private twitter group and that led to a WhatsApp chat. People did not simply find each other, they were all talking about how they're joining in private group and who to follow to get in. Proved to be a very bad idea.

The person that did the doxxing via proxy (sending it to unmasked) is very much one from the WhatsApp. They're pretending they're sickened and appalled at what happened, while laughing at everyone behind your back. It is 100% to do with your groups and one person you let in. The person responsible for doxxing to unmasked drops hints to try pass blame to others but also has dropped a fair few things that link back to them and their tattle account. To which they'll say it's someone else dropping hints to them. It's a bit of a s whodunit. But you guys need to wake up and realise that you're still being friendly with the person that did it and is behind all these accounts here and Reddit. They're bullshitting you guys. Yea I know I'll be accused of being them.

Glitterballs, this is 100% fiction. Go back to your sea layer account on Reddit.
Mar 1, 2024
I'm not spreading a wrong.

I saw it for myself on the thread. They were all talking about joining a private twitter group and that led to a WhatsApp chat. People did not simply find each other, they were all talking about how they're joining in private group and who to follow to get in. Proved to be a very bad idea.

The person that did the doxxing via proxy (sending it to unmasked) is very much one from the WhatsApp. They're pretending they're sickened and appalled at what happened, while laughing at everyone behind your back. It is 100% to do with your groups and one person you let in. The person responsible for doxxing to unmasked drops hints to try pass blame to others but also has dropped a fair few things that link back to them and their tattle account. To which they'll say it's someone else dropping hints to them. It's a bit of a s whodunit. But you guys need to wake up and realise that you're still being friendly with the person that did it and is behind all these accounts here and Reddit. They're bullshitting you guys. Yea I know I'll be accused of being them.
How do you know they did it by proxy? Slipped up there didn’t you. 🍌
Mar 1, 2024
Everything I've said is 100% true. There's loads of posts on tattle with people talking about their private group 2024 Celebrity Death Pool #3 No deaths but plenty of dick and crumpets!

Eh? Everyone know's it wast unmasked that was the death pooler in the private chat and the doxxer leaked the stuff to unmasked to do it by proxy.
I was just on about the proxy stuff, how do you know it was through a VPN.
I’m not clicking any links thanks for it though. It’s just one of them isn’t it, Leave them to it no point obsessing over it surely there’s more important things to focus on in this world?


New member
Mar 7, 2024
I was just on about the proxy stuff, how do you know it was through a VPN.
I’m not clicking any links thanks for it though. It’s just one of them isn’t it, Leave them to it no point obsessing over it surely there’s more important things to focus on in this world?
Ah no I don't mean proxy as VPN technology, I mean the doxxer used unmasked to do the doxxing as a proxy for them https://www.collinsdictionary.com/d... plural proxies-,1.,on behalf of someone else

It was a link to tattle them talking about their private group. Which they claim is all 100% untrue and Lance has liked it, despite there being loads and loads of posts about this group so what I said is 100% true.

Screenshot 2024-03-07 at 20.30.12.png
Mar 1, 2024
Ah no I don't mean proxy as VPN technology, I mean the doxxer used unmasked to do the doxxing as a proxy for them https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/proxy#:~:text=forms: plural proxies-,1.,on behalf of someone else

It was a link to tattle them talking about their private group. Which they claim is all 100% untrue and Lance has liked it, despite there being loads and loads of posts about this group so what I said is 100% true.

Screenshot 2024-03-07 at 20.30.12.png
I know it’s a link to tattle I’m just not clicking on external links, again thanks though.


Mar 4, 2024
Ah no I don't mean proxy as VPN technology, I mean the doxxer used unmasked to do the doxxing as a proxy for them https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/proxy#:~:text=forms: plural proxies-,1.,on behalf of someone else

It was a link to tattle them talking about their private group. Which they claim is all 100% untrue and Lance has liked it, despite there being loads and loads of posts about this group so what I said is 100% true.

Screenshot 2024-03-07 at 20.30.12.png

FGS, are you that thick? Yes there was a chat. Nobody in that chat doxxed. I’d love to know how you’ve managed to infiltrate a private chat to come up with your information. Alice Evans requested the doxxing and there is a screenshot of a chat that Tattlers Unmasked stupidly posted between them.

There. The end.
Mar 1, 2024
Good evening everyone on Comment Cafe.

My sincere apologies for the late response to reports. I had no idea this forum had suddenly got a lot more active. I will be here more and I will work on getting more mods involved! Sorry again.

The user with multiple accounts is @Glitterballs and they are here to cause trouble. This one person has caused over 100 reports! Do not quote anyone that is causing trouble as it encourages them. Report and ignore totally. Don't use any of the reactions either. We will take action. Posts have been deleted.

Screenshot 2024-03-07 at 09.32.51.png
Admin thank you for clarifying this but you need to have a look again this glitterballs is using more than 5. 👍🏽
Last edited:
Mar 1, 2024
do me this is childish, I don't blame tattle for turning off registration if this one small board is getting so much drama and multiple accounts!
Some people overshared and gave enough information out to be doxxed. That about covers it.
We know it’s childish, look at the picture admin posted that’s the culprit they’ve clearly so much time on their hands. They’ve what another 7 accounts on here funnily enough your listed as one of them on Reddit screenshots @roobar 🤔

I’m not commenting about this anymore as enough is enough.


Mar 4, 2024
We know it’s childish, look at the picture admin posted that’s the culprit they’ve clearly so much time on their hands. They’ve what another 7 accounts on here funnily enough your listed as one of them @roobar 🤔

I’m not commenting about this anymore as enough is enough.
Oh now I'm one of their accounts for replying on this thread? :LOL: You know this because someone invented it?
Bananas, I expect everyone will be called them.

I hope this stuff stops highjacking this thread. Boring.


New member
Dec 23, 2023
Well, this is all great an all but this isn't about Tattle. Maybe ask admin if it's okay to take this elsewhere and make another thread?
It might be interesting to those involved, but I for one am sick of it all. Even the Reddit subsection that was pottering along nicely is now full of this crap.
No one can be fully sure that someone you have been closely chatting with privately isn't out to get you. keep your personal life private unless you 1000% trust someone


New member
Dec 23, 2023
As an outsider this is so funny. It’s better than some of the drama I’m following on tiktok at the mo. It’s Jeremy Kyle but interactive
I'm an outsider and think its boring and driving people away, yes its busier but not in a good way as it seems to be the same one or two people with many accounts.

I was in "The Great Forum Wars" ;) back in the day between digital spy, DSU (DTV), bitchfest and a few other smaller forums. it was an absolute blast but killed Digital Spy, just like these idiots will kill Tattle and every forum that talks about Tattle.

I would just like tattle to change, not kill it
Mar 1, 2024
Well, this is all great an all but this isn't about Tattle. Maybe ask admin if it's okay to take this elsewhere and make another thread?
It might be interesting to those involved, but I for one am sick of it all. Even the Reddit subsection that was pottering along nicely is now full of this crap.
No one can be fully sure that someone you have been closely chatting with privately isn't out to get you. keep your personal life private unless you 1000% trust someone
You’re sick of it all we all are. This would be easier solved if the person doing all this would get a life. It’s been going on weeks now it’s ridiculous.

Anyway enough of all that mess. Let’s get back to some normality.