Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Feb 28, 2024
Worst feeling? 😳 do off you moron

I’m hoping the soul destroying comment is being sarcastic, if not we are doomed if this is the level of Hun we are dealing with 😳

“Nothing worse than paying and not recieving I’m sorry Aimee 😭

Be sending her a “with sympathy card” next “sorry for your loss of your mc crispy”

Mar 7, 2024
Nurses are specialists at spotting the munchaussens amongst us all, that love of attention when she’s poorly and the support bear are massive warning bells.
I will never understand why she thinks the Bear travelling with her is cute. It’s absolutely bizarre and coupled with all her lies and drama it makes her look absolutely ridiculous.
1000% this! Spot it a mile off
And if the bear was her child’s she’d asked to take with her it may be just about acceptable 🤦🏼‍♀️
Mar 8, 2024
Over the 🌈
Nurses are specialists at spotting the munchaussens amongst us all, that love of attention when she’s poorly and the support bear are massive warning bells.
I will never understand why she thinks the Bear travelling with her is cute. It’s absolutely bizarre and coupled with all her lies and drama it makes her look absolutely ridiculous.
Psych nurse here. Girl has a personality disorder. I've nursed so many people with one and she just screams it.


Mar 8, 2024
Who called takeaway 🙄 if a kid is poorly the last thing you do is get them s food with all that salt in. And she usually had a mcds when at her dads, seems the kid gets zero nutrition anywhere. And of course they forgot something from her order.
I would have thought she got home cooked meals when she’s with her dad. The pair of them live off take away food. “There’s plenty for everyone” all that food for the pair of them 🤔 such a lazy munter and so bloody greedy. What a poor diet they both have. She needs some intervention from someone, parents or some social worker to help her meal plan and cook. It’s absolutely bizarre behaviour to constantly be in a supermarket yet have no food in to cook.


Mar 9, 2024
Evening all…I was hoping to be able to comment something new and hilarious, but you seem to have it all covered. I’ve laughed my head off after a killer of a shift, so thank you x

I’ve had to block that Mummy-to-one nutcase. I was close to commenting last night when she was relentless towards someone. Vile woman. Definitely a burner account L-Aimee.

Quick one for Gonzo actually, wash your dressing gown. The stain on the lapel has been there for months and it is really starting to grind my gears. Many thanks. X

Oh, and this one could be worth a quick DNA test…I can see the resemblance and he loves cats…