This is literally bang on!!I imagine it's very difficult going from home where there are no rules, you can do what you want, when you want and no one ever says no. To a school environment where you have to behave in a certain way, there are rules and consequences, you are told what to do and when. The kid is clearly addicted to her phone/technology (the farm trip with gigi and the Barcelona proved that). She also seems very immature, especially emotionally immature, so I'm not surprised she doesnt like school. It's so far removed from her sheltered home environment where she rules to roost, never has to do anything she doesn't want to do and can instead spend all day staring at a screen and eating junk.
Obviously none of this is Aimee’s fault, she's a brilliant mum and it's not up for discussion
I really dread to think about when she really is a teen! Lorrrrd! Refusing to go at all, festering all day. Going down the pavilion with a litre of Lambrini and 10 ciggys. What then? Can't start saying no now, especially to an actual teenager who will back chat and do it anyway. Dear me. Aimee don't bother with Gigi you're gunna need Jesus