Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

Mar 8, 2024
⚠️ TW - Baby Loss ⚠️

Omg the videos from today she is bloody manic!

Also sorry if this offends anyone and I know we’ve touched on this before - but this calling the cats “babies”

Surely if she was indeed pregnant the due date would have been gone by now or due and surely referring to cats as “babies” is just something you wouldn’t do.

I lost my first baby 20 years on Friday and I couldn’t even look at a pregnant lady or talk about babies.
I worked in a day nursery at the time and took a long time to go back to work and it was so hard.

My second loss was the same - sadly no heartbeat and I remember being in floods of tears as I saw the heartbeat a week before.
The day after I had to have an operation to remove the baby my cousin messaged me to tell me his wife had had their baby and they named it the name I wanted for my baby - I had told them a few weeks before. That hurts deeply and still does to be honest even now.

Anyhow I’m waffling talking about myself but this whole baby talk referring to cats is just madness especially after she says she suffered a miscarriage.
So sorry. Its so difficult and you never forget. 💔 I lost one 20 years ago too. Missed miscarriage apparently. Went for the 12 week scan to be told baby had passed at 8 weeks but my body didn't recognise it. Nothing prepares you for what happens either. When I lost mine..there was a colleague who was expecting same time...I hated it and couldn't have anything to do with her so I completely understand and empathise with your sad memories.
I guess ppl deal with things's still debatable it happened with A so maybe that's why she acts how she does. Guess we will never know if no one speaks out.
Lots of love and a virtual hug. ❤️ xx
Mar 8, 2024
If these are the things she really doesn’t care about she has serious mental health issues. These flag to me someone with depression. When she said she doesn’t care about what she looks like as long as she is dressed. No mention of clean.
And on the kitchen thing, I clean my kitchen immediately after I’ve eaten and layout my breakfast things before I go to bed. I literally couldn’t sleep if my house looked like hers!
Also the marriage was more about the wedding, not about the commitment to love and care for someone, maybe because there’s no room for anyone after her.
Anyone jealous?
I even get my cup ready with the bag and sugar in. Also my clothes ready for morning. Are we the weird ones...🤷‍♀️
Then again...most of us hv to work not slob about in marigolds in our pjs all day! 🤦‍♀️
Mar 8, 2024
All the things she doesn’t care about, she should.
It’s just generally hygiene, personal pride and presentation.
You look how you feel… She lacks drive, motivation, she doesn’t care what she looks like, or how people see her. That’s someone who has given up on themselves, the isolation of tiktok has given her depression,
I think to just justifies looking like a slob. Entitlement and denial there is a big issue! Surely her family should be doing or saying's shocking!!
Mar 8, 2024
Jigsaw, go touch some grass how on earth is anyone here responsible? You are clutching at straws and you are a fan of ours at this point #stopbeingatit #upaimeesarse #attentionseeker

And after this I’m not going to post about you again on carry on trying to seek validation and hunting for your missing piece.

Reckless bullshitting!
Reckless statement to make!
Reckless arselicking...for what?
Reckless insults for someone of your low intelligence love!

How much money do you make on 'only fans..but free' then "Einstein?" 🥱

Didn't feel like accepting my offer of mature conversation on here...didn't think so.

Stick to your silly games...bring all of CC to Tiktok hoping for what exactly??
Have u been followed my your idol yet... didn't think so ffs 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Mar 8, 2024
So shaimee wouldn’t share her burger with Harold when they forgot her nuggets because it was spicy.. but tonight Harold’s having jalapeño hummus and chilli crackers  what a lying bellend. She didn’t want to share her food with her own kid because she’s a gluttonous pig 

Was jus about to say the same thing