Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Mar 8, 2024
I was thinking that for someone's job she has do all idea about angles. Ain't nobody wanting to see right up your 747 love Ffs!! And Christ in a cardigan how many chins? 👀🙈
What a hag, she’s so deluded like Vav smearing all that awful make up on her terrible dehydrated skin thinking she’s the prom Queen. She’s fing disgusting to look at and even worse personality
Mar 8, 2024
I just can’t watch her anymore, once you know she’s all fake and as horrible as we know she is, it’s really hard to watch, every single thing she does is beyond irritating. It’s entertaining here because you can keep up with her antics without ever having to listen to her. She’s really gross these days, I’m so glad she’s looking bloated and unhealthy because it might teach people not to live the way she does. When you’re bland looking or plain ugly it is possible to look nice and well groomed. She does everything wrong and makes herself look worse. The nose is so awful, the double chins, the sun damage and general lacklustre look about her, it’s all down to her lifestyle and food choices. I’m enjoying seeing her decline. Schadenfreude 🤣👍🏼🤣only because she’s so nasty and full of lies. She truly deserves her single life. 😜
She really is on a decline. Cus she’s so ugly on the inside it’s sleeping through to the outside. She looks bloated and her skin looks awful. Whatever she’s had done it her under eyes is not a good idea cus it looks worse.
She is so fake and full of s. She is so hard to watch with her dodgy eye wink and horrible smug smile she does. She has no right to be this smug when she’s such a s person and an awful mum


Mar 8, 2024
She don’t chew it enough. She’s like Beavo 🤢. You could hear it was still whole when she swallowed 🤢
Like a giant snake swallowing a hippo whole. With any luck she will be a size 18 by Christmas and we can all laugh her still wearing a size 12 jumpsuit that’s coming apart at the seams. Just like she will be doing at new year when she realises she’s got the same but different se to live through into the next year. Life will only get better when she puts the effort in and starts to actually live rather than everything she does being just for posting online. It’s utter madness
Mar 8, 2024
Ahahaha sorry I hurt @Olgacatpissyswampypig c'sec wound yesterday too 😅 I can't help it when s-tits is like a stand up comics wet dream 😂 As I said I'm available 5nights a week and I know I'm a lazy bast but I need 2 for doing my roots with lard, getting my weekly shop down my throat in one sitting, and scattering my floors with catpiss soaked crayola trackeez. Busy ✌🏼😘
Good recap 🤣🤣🤣🤣❤️
Mar 9, 2024
Like a giant snake swallowing a hippo whole. With any luck she will be a size 18 by Christmas and we can all laugh her still wearing a size 12 jumpsuit that’s coming apart at the seams. Just like she will be doing at new year when she realises she’s got the same but different se to live through into the next year. Life will only get better when she puts the effort in and starts to actually live rather than everything she does being just for posting online. It’s utter madness
Definitely shallow Hal syndrome as well as herpes and tape worms - such a catch x
Mar 8, 2024
I’ve never heard anyone slap their mouth so loudly and so often when they eat. It’s fing grim. The burger looked awful. The wide eye thing she does when she thinks something tastes nice is so fing annoying. I think everything she does just annoys me. She’s just one annoying f
Your name may be easily annoyed but tbf she wud test anyone's patience. She's insufferable 🙄🤣🤣
Mar 8, 2024
cus she’s a minty t. No back pain there sitting on the floor.. wasn’t bad back pain one of the many painful ailments she had?
Catherine Tate Comedy GIF by Warner Bros. UK & Ireland
Mar 8, 2024
She eats like she hasn’t eaten in a week and the chewing noises 🤢

It’s not a taste test Aimee it’s one for the only fans freaks
1. She doesn't normally do this?? What stuff her face on camera...
2. Did she ask for every nail design in the salon on each finger...? Looks ridiculous and childlike...imo. #lessismore
3. What an unnecessarily greedy t!
Mar 8, 2024
Hey nasty trolls 👋🏻
I’ve had a few days away cos I’ve had some s going on and Olga was the last thing on my mind. I’ve only just watched the crap videos she’s posted the past few days and she’s still filling me with disgust and second hand embarrassment!
I have missed chatting to you lovely lot so I’m going to make it my aim to check in with you all and re-join the gossip.
There’s been so many pages that need to be caught up on but I’m going to have to skim past them otherwise I’ll be up until god knows what time reading them all 😂
Hope you are all doing good though 😍
Hello Tilly 👋 I've been awol too amd no chance of catching up. Some of us work Aimee!
Hope u are ok 🙏 feel free to chat on other group if u need us. Tag us to pick it up though ❤️
Mar 8, 2024
I just can’t watch her anymore, once you know she’s all fake and as horrible as we know she is, it’s really hard to watch, every single thing she does is beyond irritating. It’s entertaining here because you can keep up with her antics without ever having to listen to her. She’s really gross these days, I’m so glad she’s looking bloated and unhealthy because it might teach people not to live the way she does. When you’re bland looking or plain ugly it is possible to look nice and well groomed. She does everything wrong and makes herself look worse. The nose is so awful, the double chins, the sun damage and general lacklustre look about her, it’s all down to her lifestyle and food choices. I’m enjoying seeing her decline. Schadenfreude 🤣👍🏼🤣only because she’s so nasty and full of lies. She truly deserves her single life. 😜
But she loves that nose don't u know 🤦‍♀️🤣