Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Mar 8, 2024
Hi aimless
I know you read here as well as TL I am no troll the things I’ve written are the same as I would say to your face,your an abysmal mother.a failed human being and an out and out irritating Cnut.
You call anyone who dares to have a different opinion a troll that’s not how the real world works sweetheart someone will always differ from you otherwise what’s the point?
I know in your teeny tiny world everyone has to fall at your feet to worship yourself which if I’m being honest is really false and creepy.
While I’m on it take your daughter out somewhere anywhere get her some fresh air and decent food and dentistry let her thrive she’s 9 not 2 hammy sammy etc that’s toddler talk, she will eventually leave you of you don’t let her become who she wants to be not a copy of you.
So while you’re talking endless bs into your phone remember we all do t have to agree with you, the world doesn’t fall at your feet or revolve around you either smh it’s like listening to a spoilt 5 year old sometimes .
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Mar 7, 2024
Just seen the morrisons Hot cross bun advert , they are so trolling Aimee 🤣🤣
2 woman sitting on the sofa , one claiming to taste test the hot cross bun, her friend pipes up but Deirdre you’ve already had 5 🤣🤣

might not have been Deirdre but all I could think was Aimee 🤣🤣
They probably used princess piglet as inspiration although eating with a friend is stretching it as she hasn't got any. Her only 'friends' are her rabid huns 🤣


Mar 9, 2024
Good morning mum of one aka aimee . There’s no denying you read here and tl so I’m just going to tell you we are no trolls here or over on tl we are a group of ladies who have over the years have become wise to your constant lies and bullshit. I for one was a supporter of yours at first but quickly seen through the green eyed minty monster you really are. I have never known a more selfish twisted individual you have made your own thread here because of your lies nothing else your a bullshitter and a s one at that to be a liar you have to have a very good memory something which the copious amounts of kylie you drink you can’t possibly keep up with your lies. Look around why can’t you keep a man ? It’s a little vicious circle isn’t it you can’t throw money at men like you can your gritty little money grabbing mum and sister to get your way. Your child is your last thought when she should be your whole world. Coming from a mum who has buried her child you sicken and disgust me. Clean your house and wash ya fat face cut that hair and just all round do better. Your kids beyond hope because of your ways and it’s heartbreaking to watch. Rant over 🙄


Mar 16, 2024
I'm calling the good news as one of the following..
The cease and desist order she obviously has regarding harper in her tiktok videos is over.
She's had another crappy brand invite her to collab.
Her dad has agreed to rent her house out and buy a new one.
Her dad is buying her a new car.
She's had an update from the hmrc re a tax refund is on the way so now she can buy more takeaways and go "home bargain"
Her management has got her invited to another event that teaches her how to cook again.
The school have investigated and are taking no further action.


Mar 8, 2024
I’ve had a virus for over a week, my throat is so sore, I’ve been living off soup because it’s agony eating. No way could I manage crisps, I’m struggling to swallow bread. (Actually now think I’ve got tonsillitis so drs trip incoming) if harpers throat is as sore as Aimee exaggerated there’s no chance she’d have eaten any of the food she’s had this weekend!

She’s only kept her off school, cos she’s probably got a raging hangover and she knows her drama will be the talk of Birkdale
Exactly this , and the added fact there salt and vinegar they would burn
Jun 7, 2023
I’m an OG tattler and I have to say whilst some of you blow smoke up charlies arse I sit and laugh waiting for you all to realise she’s a dickhead too 😂 it’s like TL all over again when some thought she was alright and then the realisation hit. She’s not a good mum. She may cook for Ralph, dress him nicely but she s talks that boys dad into oblivion right in front of him and full on ignores him too. He has his own tiktok account at 8 years old and actively comments on her lives I’m sure it was. She does the bare minimum any parent should do and that doesn’t deserve an applause in my opinion!


Mar 8, 2024
I’m not a troll either Aimee, infact I couldn’t stomach your videos enough to watch to the event to comment, and I don’t comment on there. But as mentioned before WE are not all wrong. We can see if for ourselves. WE are not jealous because there is nothing to be jealous of. We don’t need to con people, we work for our own money, we leave the conning to you your family and your uncle.
Me either I managed to see all her lies and bullshit all by myself as I’m sure everyone here and t did , once I found the other site it was so lovely to see I wasn’t alone there are so many people with brains who could also see through her bullshit and none of us are trolls , we can’t help if we have a brain cell AIMEE


Mar 8, 2024
I’m an OG tattler and I have to say whilst some of you blow smoke up charlies arse I sit and laugh waiting for you all to realise she’s a dickhead too 😂 it’s like TL all over again when some thought she was alright and then the realisation hit. She’s not a good mum. She may cook for Ralph, dress him nicely but she s talks that boys dad into oblivion right in front of him and full on ignores him too. He has his own tiktok account at 8 years old and actively comments on her lives I’m sure it was. She does the bare minimum any parent should do and that doesn’t deserve an applause in my opinion!
I have to say I can’t stand her or Wendy to be honest , they are all the same


Mar 16, 2024
I'm.not a troll Ammie neither am I jealous of you ,my main concern all along has always been for your daughter ...I've had a reply of the headmaster ,you see ammie you reep what you sow ,keep your daughter off social media and do not post about the police then nobody would be none the wiser are a poor example of a single mother