Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

Mar 9, 2024
Goodness me I'm on blower to my mammy for 40 minutes and there is new pages. My mammy has terminal cancer and we where told this evening nothing is working now. I wish I had your issues aimee. Needs a reality check
Oh darlin - I am so very sorry xxx if your mum is half as lovely as you I know she will be amazing x been here babe - it’s nothing short of s !!!!
Mar 17, 2024
Hellooooo. I've given up trying to catch up 🤣 Every page you read there's another 2. If she could slow down from being such a knob I'd have half a chance but that's not happening is it? Hope you're all good. I can't cope with the Lurkey/5 bellies dramzzz. You bullying cows being bullied will show you 🙄🤣 Hahaha the lengths some go to and she still won't notice them 🤣🤣 I wouldn't go to that effort for Manny Montana and I'd give that man my soul if he asked for it 😜😍 Odd balls 🤣
Mar 8, 2024
Over the 🌈
Aww thank you. It’s been a tough three years juggling uni work the kids and the man child who hates me, but oh so worth it. Onto a masters in September, who do I think I am 🤣
Congrats! Omg you're better than me anyway for I got through the 3 years and never ever want to see the inside of a lecture hall again or a bloody reference list! Lol
The state of this one. That’s stupid hoarse laugh she forces out. I hate the wha she stirs her coffee. Everything she does annoys me cus I just can’t stand her. Them nails are hideous as well. Ugly from the inside out.
Take it she gets right on your tits then. 🤣🤣🤣🤣