Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Feb 28, 2024
Technically she’s a lying t until she technically proves otherwise
Technically it’s studio lights that make her look different technically her kitchen lights have magic powers. Technically she just dished up Mount Everest on that plate technically.

Someone’s been reading the dictionary technically and hypothetically in one week!


Mar 8, 2024
Let's play devil's advocate and say she is in no fund. With the sob stories and the "I'm such a kind person" videos it has pushed her videos which will have gained her followers which when she does do more ads she will sell more. So yes you have profited aimless.
Exactly, she is making out that she wants people to keep watching over and over so it pushes the link out further because of the algorithm.

I’m sorry but all Aimee wants is to be noticed and be a celeb. That’s why she started this in the first place. Why else document a very boring and sad life that she has? She’s desperate for attention. She is absolutely using this tragedy for her own gain. Having people over, always at hers so she film and have full control and look like a good host. It’s just another excuse to gorge and guzzle.

When she gets me really pissed off I just think well karma will come for her, it already has, she looks terrible, her house is disgusting and old fashioned, all she ever does is traipse around shops and eat take aways. It’s not a great life really is it? Admittedly she never worries about money like a lot of people, but she’s miserable, she must be a laughing stock around where she lives. More and more people will see just how desperate she is after using the events this week to gain followers.

Her and her mum are utter twats and copying Charlie’s cooking last night, what a b, she is so jealous of any positivity her sister has in the comments
May 17, 2024
Clapback 😂 apologise I keep having to post like this it keeps saying error if I try and simply attach it!

Oh boo hoo you've not made any money this week😂yeah right and for the love of God stop with the clicking of the nails and making pincers you f 😡seriously 😡 you actually think your that special don't you? Next you're be banging on no 10 demanding an audience with Kier 🙄😂