Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Mar 8, 2024
OMG Aimee is gonna lose her s at Mine the Hippos latest brochure post. Why not cash in your ISA to us you will be dead soon anyway 🥺 how the do she could take a penny off that man. She really is fing scum and the fact it’s the other side of the family your bloody mother in law was charged with conspiracy.
Omg that's hilarious! I nearly wee'd laughing. (Please dont call me catpiss...) 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Mar 8, 2024
Mine the hippo is genius. That latest is bloody brilliant. This is not going away any time soon. There must be so many angry and hurt people related to those the family have scammed.
They are all disgusting, every single one of them
I don’t know how they could show their faces in public. Those poor relatives having their loved once’s deceived whilst no doubt paying a fortune to live in the care home. Then being fleeced off every penny they had worked all there lives for which I suppose would have been their loved ones inheritance.

Wonder how Aimee would like it if someone fleeced Greg the Wallet out of her inheritance. Definitely be a few trees, 5 cats and Harper being launched about the house in her rage 🤣
Mar 8, 2024
I have @thelurker66 back as do so many others on here. We will hopefully find the same safe space as you do on TL. Honestly you lot support each other day in day out. Yeah it’s an aimless thread but the past two years I have seen a lot of you go through some horrific stuff and you have all pulled each other up. This is what we need here too and we need to own when we are wrong and sometimes agree to disagree.

Thank you that means a lot to me, I have pressed the ignore button on those who were attacking me, I’m just not rough skinned sometimes! Much love to you I know you haven’t had an easy few days either ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thanks for acknowledging how I was spoken to too. Only person who did. Couldn't see any recognition from anyone else including the poster 🤦‍♀️❤️
Mar 7, 2024
I think our new member is wendy, with the user name and some of the things she has said. Maybe been frustrated at not being able to answer back to the comments on TL over the years and maybe some comments hit hard on a personal level, as - well the truth hurts! Why particularly focus on aimee being called a s? She is! Anyone that puts their own needs and desire to have a man before the safety and welfare of their child is quite frankly a slapper (does the cap fit wendy 😉). She is a single parent but she has more free time than most, so can safely date and sufficiently get to know a person before they are introduced and left alone with her child. The shack up after the divorce, D1 & D2 all introduced into a forced family situation far too quickly.
She had only known D1 a matter of weeks when she was on lives talking to the huns and D1 and H were in the other room with the door shut! A few weeks later and there is a new shag in aimless life being forced upon poor H! H's birthday - D2 will put that new TV up for you in your bedroom! Why is that OK? Why is H forced to get to know this conveyor belt of blokes and why is it appropriate she is left alone with these strangers and why is it OK for them to be in her private space?
There were pages on Tiktok that used pictures of H - that was wrong and it was called out on both here and on TL. Those pictures were publicly available posts put up on unlocked social media by her own mother though and nothing has been been done to rectify this as views and sympathy are more important than worrying about the impact on her child in the future!
Most people on both sites are parents or desperately want to be a parent so are calling out the terrible upbringing that child has, in the vain hope this toxic self centered mother actually listens and makes a change for the sake of her poor child!
Let's be honest H is no longer on TT's as aimee was forced into it due to the neglect, poor parenting and lack of safeguarding of the poor child. She posted videos of herself in her bedroom, desperately lonely asking for strangers on the internet to be her friend! Anything could have happened. When it was brought to aimees attention, she denied it and didn't do anything about it for days.
Her IG and FB are full of pictures of H half naked or in school uniform with the badge showing. Maybe she no longer goes to that infant school but it doesn't take a genius to work out what school she now goes to. Aimee has shown the outside of her house and even pointed out which is H room. Just this week has flashed her address online whilst opening packages. She also has an usual coloured car and has flashed the reg plate. All of this is very dangerous information and people on all platforms are begging her to protect her daughter!
The poor child is stuck in the house 24/7 with only school and the occasional trip to the shops to look forward to. She only started swimming lessons as aimee was shamed into it after the Portugal holiday. What was H's favourite thing about that holiday? The kids club so why isn't she out doing activities, groups and sports after school, weekends and holidays? Just like every other kid does! It's not like Aimee doesn't have the time of resources, she does, she just can't be arsed!
My final point and area of obvious neglect is H poor diet. A couple of pieces of broccoli on a Sunday, and steam bag of buttered veg mid week if she is lucky is not enough to sustain a growing child. Just look at the world book day photo on IG poor H looks gaunt, and frail and has dark circles under her eyes like I've never seen before on a child!
Aimee has all the time and resources to make a really happy healthy childhood for H but chooses not to. Are there pages and pages of people calling aimee out on her terrible parenting and the long term physical and mental damage she is doing to that child yes! And rightly so in my opinion. The whole family need to hang their heads in shame, protect that poor child and help turn things around before it's too late.
Being a good parent is not about never saying no to them or giving them everything they want, splashing money on them instead of care and attention!


Mar 8, 2024
Same reason I come on.. it's a distraction from my own reality/worries/stress/demons and triggers.
Then I run away and hide for a while as self preservation I guess. All someone said is shhhh to me and it hit a nerve/trigger.
I'm giving it another go tho...x
Oh no that may have been me 🤔it wasn’t a shhh at an individual person it was meant as sush to the whole drama. I am so sorry if I upset you. I wouldn’t want to hurt anyone on here, sometimes things are misunderstood and I usually do things tongue in cheek. I do apologise and hope you don’t think I was attacking you or shutting you down personally. Sorry about it. I’ll think a bit more before I post in future 🙏🏼


Mar 8, 2024
Same reason I come on.. it's a distraction from my own reality/worries/stress/demons and triggers.
Then I run away and hide for a while as self preservation I guess. All someone said is shhhh to me and it hit a nerve/trigger.
I'm giving it another go tho...x
So glad you have come back ❤️ I think things just got out of hand yesterday and the user who started it clearly just made an account to cause drama between us all. As I said to my twin @thelurker66 we will always have each others backs on here and have this place to take us away from everything going on in real life. TL really cheered me up these last couple of years and it’s been amazing start a community with like minded Aimless haters.
Mar 8, 2024
So apparently charlie has been banned from lives for where near long enough by the sounds of it!
Also, bendy has been on a second date and already calling it date night 😳🫤 any wonder where her daughter gets it from!! I remember A saying "get ready for date night with me" when it was like a 2nd date with d1 and 2!! 😳🫤 Honestly they are a different breed 🤣


Mar 8, 2024
Anyone else wondering why she's finishing her words off properly in the Give Me hair video? MultitaskinG, cookinG, she usually speaks so slovenly. On another note she wouldn't know multitasking or cooking if it bit her on her fat arse. Waiting for a knock on the door with a food delivery more like 🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽
She reminds me of Derek Acorah (of Most Haunted fame) when she emphasises the G On the end of some words 😂 he was also a fraud wasn’t he (what’s that you say Sam)
Mar 9, 2024
Sounds so familiar to my situation, I have 3 children with ASD and currently waiting ADHD assessments too.
One of mine also has AFRID and like you limited on food, but always home cook and try and get the best into him of what his safe foods are.
My 2 youngest have EHCP’s, both EOTAS due to mainstream not meeting needs as anxiety is so severe,
as someone else said no one knows my children apart from the closest of family members, I do not post on social media and would certainly never have public accounts.

Private life is a happy life!

I have stated that I am genuinely worried about H.
At first I followed Aimee and did like her, until I saw the inconsistencies, then what did it for me was after Eden Harvis called her niece and nephew those vile things and after people called her out for it, Aimee commented on her post about people being trolls and supported her. I was shocked and then immediately unfollowed her and more and more saw that actually she is just the same, the fame of tik tok goes above and beyond her child and it’s such a sad thing to see.

Joining here and widened my eyes more and hearing about H making YouTube videos, she sadly knows nothing else in life.
Thank you all for allowing this.

We have our struggles, but most importantly for me my family will always come first and be the most important to me as I can probably speak for all of us on here.

We are not jealous trolls, most of us are concerned parents,

I have severe anxiety myself, I am married and I work too, I certainly would not part with what I have for what she has.
I’m here for the calling out of these content creators, Eden and Aimee who make a mockery of anxiety and adhd!
I agree the mockery from these creators around adhd is awful. I got diagnosed at a very young age and it basically became who I was until I took control of my own medical needs at 16 and took myself of Ritalin (against mums advice) and have worked on myself and knowing my own needs without medication. It hasn’t been easy and has pretty much taken 20 years to get to the place where I am now where I’m self aware and can spot when my adhd causes issues. These idiots that use it for clout irritate the f out of me, if they genuinely had it, they would struggle a lot more than they do. It’s something that affects every aspect of your life day in day out. They use it as a personality trait and it’s not. I was always known as the kid with ADHD and got judged so much from my friends parents etc cos I was the ‘naughty’ ‘impulsive’ ‘bad influence’ kid. I wasn’t it’s just no one in the early 90s wanted to talk about it, the stigma is unreal so it’s really undermining when people are like oh I’m cool I’ve got adhd. Stop using neurodivergent issues to disguise your bad morals/personality or to justify just being a massive A hole. Rant over


Mar 16, 2024
I will most likely be blocked/ignored/called a ‘hun’/ all three but here goes……

You all profess to be looking out for the welfare of Harper and criticise Aimee for not safeguarding her. You go on about how Harper will face a hard time in senior school given her mothers antics.

The hypocrisy of you all! You comment on Aimee on a daily basis. Her way of parenting, her lifestyle, her attitude etc etc. that’s your prerogative and I do see how people view Aimee the way they do.

What is unforgivable and downright vile of you all is that you are fuelling the fire. The abhorrent slagging off of Aimee. Talking about her pubic area to put it politely, calling her a drag queen, basically calling her a s etc etc etc. More abhorrent is the references to Harpers appearance. You justify yourself by saying Aimee puts her out there so in your eyes it’s fair game. This is a 9 year old child. What you and that other site write is in the public domain. You are the ones doing the damage to Harper. Can you not see that? Aimee has taken her off TT, not IG for whatever reason but hardly posts many pics of her.

You lot are keeping Harper in the limelight. It will be your cruel nicknames that other kids will use. Not anything Aimee says.

It will be your fault when kids say oh your mums a s/desperate/alkie etc. it won’t be down to Aimee.

I cannot fathom the vitriolic behaviour of anyone who has not been hurt personally by Aimee. You are not interested in safeguarding H. You are just intent on sending Aimee over the edge.

No I don’t know Aimee, no I’m not a hun, but yes I am a person with a heart which breaks a little more every time you write further s for people to store up and to be used against an innocent child.
Aimless has herself to blame. Don't come on here and blame us! Where was the safeguarding for harper when she brings men into her home after meeting them in matter of weeks? Where is the justice for helping harper as we all know she has additional needs even if aimless can't see we see fully clearly . We don't tell her what to put on tik tok and prance around to cardi b like a moron she is do we? So please go away or leave the group hun


Mar 8, 2024
So apparently charlie has been banned from lives for where near long enough by the sounds of it!
Also, bendy has been on a second date and already calling it date night 😳🫤 any wonder where her daughter gets it from!! I remember A saying "get ready for date night with me" when it was like a 2nd date with d1 and 2!! 😳🫤 Honestly they are a different breed 🤣
She’s either on something recreational or some anti psychotic meds. The gurning and lip licking and tongue out is a give away


Mar 17, 2024
I’ve said my piece and am offsky because I actually feel almost dirty reading here. I think you are all disgraceful nasty people. That goes for TL aswell. Why you invest so much time on a stranger is beyond me and then cover it up by saying you’re safeguarding her daughter when you are doing the very opposite. I don’t think you’re jealous as there’s really nothing to be jealous of. I just think you’re a gang of bitches - not much different from the Huns really - all this s about being friends and getting each other through hard times. You don’t even know who is behind each account!!!! Sad sacks just like Aimee and her imaginary friends aka the huns.
Are you well????????


Mar 17, 2024
See ya later, bye! As if we are all getting accused of setting a child up to be bullied, pull the other one. 99% of the comments that involve the child on here are how people feel sorry for her and how it’s disgusting the way she’s ‘parented’. Yes there are odd ones that maybe do go a bit far but they are few and far between, certainly not encouraged. Regarding the potential bullying that poor child is likely to be on the receiving end of, well it’s an audacity to try pin that s on anyone but her parents. Complete joke in fact. Let’s have a look shall we at the evidence (yes posted by her mother for all the world to see), disgracefully lacking in nutrition diet, no safeguarding regarding photos, school badges, house address etc, a revolving door of strange men in her home (supposed to be her safe space) after her mother has known them DAYS!, no effort in dressing her correctly, cleanly or smartly! No dentistry or care for her teeth, or her hair. The list is endless. Also making YT videos without the mother having a clue. Allegations of drunk driving with her in the car. So many things. And that’s just from the mother, the father doesn’t appear to give a s either. Its thanks to these sites that kid started to get swimming lessons and do more activities with friends etc. People on these sites have tried to safeguard that kid more than her own parents. And make her parents put her first and give her the life she deserves, which is much more than having money thrown at her. And no one is reaching or making s up, this has all been posted on her TT. So rather than have a go at us, try having a go at your mate/family member (as you clearly are here on her behalf). As for the rest of your drivel, get that s in the sea. Coming on here with your superiority complex chatting absolute nonsense. The thing is you really think you did something didn’t you 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Well said my dear