So all week poor H has had make do dinners and carrot and cucumber sticks - her plates looked like war time rations. The only day she got a half decent dinner was the day wendy came round. Friday rolls round, paps H off to school, hair brushed, make up on. Suddenly miss giddy knickers can find time to shop for soup, finest steak - well it was before she cremated it, it's probably the most exercise Aimee has had in weeks chewing it! Veg and a side of potatoes big enough for 2. The poor kid is starving as she's not important enough to shop and cook for. H loves steak and gravy and it wouldn't hurt her to try a green bean.
Then to pull out a massive bag of treats to scoff by herself all weekend, I hope it makes her sick.
After all this time I'm still shocked by her selfish behaviour and total disregard for her child's health and well-being.
If anyone asks that useless glutinous lump for parenting advice then they need to give themselves a shake